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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Local Public Economics


Period II (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)
Period IV (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)
Period (26-Oct-2009 - 11-Dec-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period II]

Note for Finnish student: Tämä kurssi on vapaaehtoinen! Se ei kuulu Kunnallistalouden tutkintorakenteeseen, eikä sillä voi korvata muita Kunnallistalouden opintoja.

After the course, the students should know about alternative approaches to provide Public Services, the traditional integrated model and different forms of markets. The student learns about the difficulties to apply a market system to Public Services and to recognize advantages and disadvantages of various models. Through that, the participant gets finally an understanding of efficiency evaluation problems.

Contents: - pre-reading material
               - lectures (14 h)
               - project work


27-Oct-2009 – 8-Dec-2009
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (15-Mar-2010 - 14-May-2010)
Intermediate Studies [Period IV]

Note for Finnish Students: tämä kurssi on vapaaehtoinen. Kurssi ei sisälly kunnallistalouden tutkintorakenteeseen.

Contents of the course:

Lectures, active participation in classroom work and essay.

NOTE! COURSE IS CANCELLED (spring term 2010).

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

Lectures (12 h) and reading material.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English