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Archived teaching schedules 2010–2011
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
International Relations


Period I (1-Sep-2010 – 22-Oct-2010)
Period II (25-Oct-2010 – 17-Dec-2010)
Period III (10-Jan-2011 – 4-Mar-2011)
Period IV (7-Mar-2011 – 13-May-2011)
Period (1-Sep-2010 - 22-Oct-2010)
Intermediate Studies [Period I]

Please register by emailing mikko.vaha-sipila (AT) uta.fi by Tue 7.9.2010.

Lectures and essay.

This policy course provides students with an understanding of the EU policy sectors relevant to the Baltic Sea Region as well as insights into the origins, logic and significance of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, its potential, limitations and broader meaning in the EU macro-regional context.


International Relations
KVPOA3, Telo or KVPOS4, Bicchi


Political Science
VALTA7, 2 cr or VALTS2e, 3 cr.

Students of ERS and CBU programmes can include this course in their optional studies in section "Other ERS studies".

Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period I]

Please register by emailing mikko.vaha-sipila (AT) uta.fi by Tue 7.9.2010.

Lectures and essay.

This policy course provides students with an understanding of the EU policy sectors relevant to the Baltic Sea Region as well as insights into the origins, logic and significance of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, its potential, limitations and broader meaning in the EU macro-regional context.


International Relations
KVPOA3, Telo or KVPOS4, Bicchi


Political Science
VALTA7, 2 cr or VALTS2e, 3 cr.

Students of ERS and CBU programmes can include this course in their optional studies in section "Other ERS studies".

Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

IR Master's thesis seminar II KVPOS6B or ERS/CBU Master's Thesis seminar.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (25-Oct-2010 - 17-Dec-2010)
Basic Studies [Period II]

Please register by emailing mikko.vaha-sipila (AT) uta.fi by Thu 28.10.2010.

The course offers practical insights into the strategies, policies and working methods of the European Commission, including case presentations in specific policy fields such as regional policy, energy, environment, transport, and fraud prevention. The objective of the course is to provide students with a broad understanding of the institutional role and significance of the European Commission as well as to explain the inner dynamics of the EU executive body.


International Relations
KVPOP5 or KVPOA6, 5 cr


Political Science

Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Intermediate Studies [Period II]

To develop an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of the main approaches and theories of European integration and an ability to apply them to the enlargemet of the European Union (EU).

Lectures 36 h + exam (3 credit points);
essay seminar 6 h (5 credit points).

Essay seminars are to be held during the III period.


International Relations
KVPOA3, Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) or Wiener - DieZ and Bindi/Vogt - Maier (5 credit points)

Political Science
VALTA7, 3-5 cr.


Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English

Please register by emailing mikko.vaha-sipila (AT) uta.fi by Thu 28.10.2010.

The course offers practical insights into the strategies, policies and working methods of the European Commission, including case presentations in specific policy fields such as regional policy, energy, environment, transport, and fraud prevention. The objective of the course is to provide students with a broad understanding of the institutional role and significance of the European Commission as well as to explain the inner dynamics of the EU executive body.


International Relations
KVPOP5 or KVPOA6, 5 cr


Political Science

Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period II]

IR Master's thesis seminar II KVPOS6B or ERS/CBU Master's Thesis seminar.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Postgraduate Studies [Period II]

1) To go deeper into the nature of science and scientific discussion and contribute to the completion of the final thesis.
2) To prepare essays suitable for publishing and present research plans as well as draft chapters on the theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the doctoral thesis.

Doctoral programme IR2a.

Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (10-Jan-2011 - 4-Mar-2011)
Intermediate Studies [Period III]

NB. The enrollment is not restricted, and later enrollment is possible by sending an e-mail to katri.sieberg@uta.fi.
If you not going to be able to attend the first class, send a message to katri.sieberg@uta.fi.
Enrolment ends 10-Jan-2011.


Political Science

VALTA1, Heywood
VALTS4, King - Keohane - Verba

Written paper
VALTA1, Skinner and VALTA1, Soininen
VALTS4, Brians - Willnut - Manheim - Rich

International Relations

Main Subject Students
KVPOA1, Knutsen and Weber

Minor Subject Students
KVPOA1, all books.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

To develop an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of the main approaches and theories of European integration and an ability to apply them to the enlargemet of the European Union (EU).

Lectures 36 h + exam (3 credit points);
essay seminar 6 h (5 credit points).

Essay seminars are to be held during the III period.


International Relations
KVPOA3, Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) or Wiener - DieZ and Bindi/Vogt - Maier (5 credit points)

Political Science
VALTA7, 3-5 cr.


Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English

Registration from December 1, see http://www.unipidvirtualstudies.fi/content/courses.
For further rinformation contact Tarja Seppä at uta.fi.

Compensates from KVPOA4, 5 cr or KVPOA6, 5 cr.

11-Jan-2011 –
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period III]

Virtual course in Moodle.

Registering: by email to eero.palmujoki(at)uta.fi between 1-31 January 2011.

Organizer: Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Tampere and Department of Political Science, University of Turku.

Goals: The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and conceptual tools for analyzing the prevalent issues in Asia, focusing on the perceived problems on the Sino-Indian axis.

Contents: The course combines the lenses of Sino-Indian relations and various theoretical approaches to security for viewing the contemporary structure of security issues in the Asian context. Security is understood here as encompassing a variety of topics including economic, trade, environmental, societal and military sectors.

Taken as: The course consists of 15 hours of online lectures including the approaches to security (Juha Vuori), to geopolitical issues (Sanjay Chaturvedi), and to subject matters on the security on the Sino-Indian axis (Jing-Dong Yuan), supervised readings, lecture diary and essay.

Grading: on a scale of 1-5

17-Jan-2011 – 17-Apr-2011
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

1) To develop a good awareness of the state of European integration theory, including both internal and external aspects of integration.
2) To develop an ability to collect and critically assess information from multifaceted academic and practical sources of European integration.
3) To familiarise oneself with at least two special areas of European integration by means of pair and independent work.
4) To develop presentation skills.

Compensates KVPOS4a books (4-10 cr).

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Postgraduate Studies [Period III]

1) To go deeper into the nature of science and scientific discussion and contribute to the completion of the final thesis.
2) To prepare essays suitable for publishing and present research plans as well as draft chapters on the theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the doctoral thesis.

Doctoral programme IR2a.

Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Mar-2011 - 13-May-2011)
Intermediate Studies [Period IV]

NB. The enrollment is not restricted, and later enrollment is possible by sending an e-mail to katri.sieberg@uta.fi.
If you not going to be able to attend the first class, send a message to katri.sieberg@uta.fi.
Enrolment ends 10-Jan-2011.


Political Science

VALTA1, Heywood
VALTS4, King - Keohane - Verba

Written paper
VALTA1, Skinner and VALTA1, Soininen
VALTS4, Brians - Willnut - Manheim - Rich

International Relations

Main Subject Students
KVPOA1, Knutsen and Weber

Minor Subject Students
KVPOA1, all books.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

After the collapse of the Soviet Union a geopolitical boom overtook new Russia. Discussions touched upon questions such as Russia?s position and role in the world, for example, whether Russia was part of the 'Wes'/Europe, or the 'East'/Asia, or something unique, Eurasia. There were also debates on with whom Russia should have cooperated, who its partners were, and who its adversaries. New Russia was compared both with the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire and the Soviet Russia.

In the course "Geopolitics in Contemporary Russia" we will focus on how different (political) actors in Russia in the 1990s and 2000s have

1) understood the position and role of Russia in the world,
2) defined the concept of geopolitics.

The approach of the course is that we can study geopolitics from the texts in which Russian actors construct Russia?s place in the world in relation to other actors. Geopolitics can thus be understood as arguments, stories or discourses built by these actors.

Lectures will be based on analyses of the texts produced by the political leadership of Russia, political parties and scholars/teachers. The texts that they have produced include official documents and programmes, speeches, interviews, university textbooks and lectures. As an introduction we will also touch upon the history of geopolitics as a field of study in the 'West'.

The course "Geopolitics in Contemporary Russia" will consist of two parts: lectures and seminars. There will be eight lectures (16 hours). Those who will attend the lectures only will write a lecture diary as their assessment (2 ECTS). After the lectures students may continue participating in the seminars, which will elaborate the themes of the lectures. In addition, each student participating in the seminar will write an essay on the topic of the course, that is, on geopolitics and/or Russian politics. Essays will be discussed and commented during the seminar (altogether four seminars = 8 hours). The maximum number of students in the seminar is 10. Those having Political Science or IR as their major and having already completed most of the intermediate studies will be given preference. Participating in the seminars and writing an essay will give an extra 3 ECTS.


Political Science
VALTA7, 2-5 cr or VALTS2f, 2-5 cr  or VALTS2g, 2-5 cr


International Relations
KVPOA2, 2-5 cr or KVPOA6, 2-5 cr or KVPOS3, 2-5 cr.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Lecture 14 h, seminar 4 h, readings and excursion.

Compensates KVPOA3, Bengtsson's book or KVPOS4, 2 cr.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Registration from December 1, see http://www.unipidvirtualstudies.fi/content/courses.
For further rinformation contact Tarja Seppä at uta.fi.

Compensates from KVPOA4, 5 cr or KVPOA6, 5 cr.

11-Jan-2011 –
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

After the collapse of the Soviet Union a geopolitical boom overtook new Russia. Discussions touched upon questions such as Russia?s position and role in the world, for example, whether Russia was part of the 'Wes'/Europe, or the 'East'/Asia, or something unique, Eurasia. There were also debates on with whom Russia should have cooperated, who its partners were, and who its adversaries. New Russia was compared both with the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire and the Soviet Russia.

In the course "Geopolitics in Contemporary Russia" we will focus on how different (political) actors in Russia in the 1990s and 2000s have

1) understood the position and role of Russia in the world,
2) defined the concept of geopolitics.

The approach of the course is that we can study geopolitics from the texts in which Russian actors construct Russia?s place in the world in relation to other actors. Geopolitics can thus be understood as arguments, stories or discourses built by these actors.

Lectures will be based on analyses of the texts produced by the political leadership of Russia, political parties and scholars/teachers. The texts that they have produced include official documents and programmes, speeches, interviews, university textbooks and lectures. As an introduction we will also touch upon the history of geopolitics as a field of study in the 'West'.

The course "Geopolitics in Contemporary Russia" will consist of two parts: lectures and seminars. There will be eight lectures (16 hours). Those who will attend the lectures only will write a lecture diary as their assessment (2 ECTS). After the lectures students may continue participating in the seminars, which will elaborate the themes of the lectures. In addition, each student participating in the seminar will write an essay on the topic of the course, that is, on geopolitics and/or Russian politics. Essays will be discussed and commented during the seminar (altogether four seminars = 8 hours). The maximum number of students in the seminar is 10. Those having Political Science or IR as their major and having already completed most of the intermediate studies will be given preference. Participating in the seminars and writing an essay will give an extra 3 ECTS.


Political Science
VALTA7, 2-5 cr or VALTS2f, 2-5 cr  or VALTS2g, 2-5 cr


International Relations
KVPOA2, 2-5 cr or KVPOA6, 2-5 cr or KVPOS3, 2-5 cr.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Virtual course in Moodle.

Registering: by email to eero.palmujoki(at)uta.fi between 1-31 January 2011.

Organizer: Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Tampere and Department of Political Science, University of Turku.

Goals: The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and conceptual tools for analyzing the prevalent issues in Asia, focusing on the perceived problems on the Sino-Indian axis.

Contents: The course combines the lenses of Sino-Indian relations and various theoretical approaches to security for viewing the contemporary structure of security issues in the Asian context. Security is understood here as encompassing a variety of topics including economic, trade, environmental, societal and military sectors.

Taken as: The course consists of 15 hours of online lectures including the approaches to security (Juha Vuori), to geopolitical issues (Sanjay Chaturvedi), and to subject matters on the security on the Sino-Indian axis (Jing-Dong Yuan), supervised readings, lecture diary and essay.

Grading: on a scale of 1-5

17-Jan-2011 – 17-Apr-2011
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

1) To develop a good awareness of the state of European integration theory, including both internal and external aspects of integration.
2) To develop an ability to collect and critically assess information from multifaceted academic and practical sources of European integration.
3) To familiarise oneself with at least two special areas of European integration by means of pair and independent work.
4) To develop presentation skills.

Compensates KVPOS4a books (4-10 cr).

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Postgraduate Studies [Period IV]

1) To go deeper into the nature of science and scientific discussion and contribute to the completion of the final thesis.
2) To prepare essays suitable for publishing and present research plans as well as draft chapters on the theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the doctoral thesis.

Doctoral programme IR2a.

Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English