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Archived teaching schedules 2014–2015
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Master's Programme in Russian Language and Culture


Period I (1-Sep-2014 – 24-Oct-2014)
Period II (27-Oct-2014 – 19-Dec-2014)
Period III (7-Jan-2015 – 13-Mar-2015)
Period IV (16-Mar-2015 – 31-Jul-2015)
Period (1-Sep-2014 - 24-Oct-2014)
Advanced Studies [Period I]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
4-Sep-2014 – 16-Oct-2014
Periods: I
Language of instruction: Russian

The course surveys both the history and the contemporary situation of the Russian Orthodox Church and its relation to the Russian State. During the course we discuss the church’s rising political influence and the role of Patriarch Kirill I (Gundiaev) in this process, ROC’s role within the Russian military, and the phenomenon of “political orthodoxy”. We pay special attention to the rise of radical nationalistic orthodox groups, and the ROC’s prosecution of some art exhibition and performances during the last decade.

The course is organized in cooperation with Aleksanteri Institute's Russian and East European Master's School.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
6-Oct-2014 – 16-Oct-2014
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2014 - 19-Dec-2014)
Advanced Studies [Period II]

This course, jointly organized by English Philology and Russian 
Language and Culture, takes a bicultural and contrastive look at 
current topics in digital media such as social networking, online 
news, netspeak, and memes; the working language of the course will be 
English. The course will offer new insights into the changing 
landscapes of computer-mediated communication and tools for the 
linguistic and discursive analysis of multicultural phenomena.

Coursework will comprise lectures, practical exercises and a final 

Enrolment for University Studies

16 students will be selected to the course: 8 from the English degree programme and 8 from the Russian degree programme. If either quota is not filled students queueing in the other quota will be selected instead.

Enrolment time has expired
30-Oct-2014 – 18-Dec-2014
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2015 - 13-Mar-2015)
Advanced Studies [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
2-Mar-2015 – 31-Mar-2015
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: Russian
Further information:

Käy suoritukseksi myös kohtiin

VENS19 Muu erikoistumisjakso II
VENS20 Muu erikoistumisjakso III

Period (16-Mar-2015 - 31-Jul-2015)
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

The course provides an insight into the phenomenon of virtualization of politics. During the course, the student gets acquainted with the interrelation between Post-Soviet political culture and the contemporary virtual world from an interdisciplinary perspective. The students familiarize themselves with the Russian political Internet, Russian social media, the blogosphere, and online memory wars.

The course is organized in cooperation with Aleksanteri Institute's Russian and East European Master's School.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
20-Apr-2015 – 28-Apr-2015
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
2-Mar-2015 – 31-Mar-2015
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: Russian
Further information:

Käy suoritukseksi myös kohtiin

VENS19 Muu erikoistumisjakso II
VENS20 Muu erikoistumisjakso III