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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Social Work


Period I (1-Sep-2008 – 17-Oct-2008)
Period II (27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008)
Period III (7-Jan-2009 – 6-Mar-2009)
Period IV (16-Mar-2009 – 15-May-2009)
Period (1-Sep-2008 - 17-Oct-2008)
Basic Studies [Period I]

Introductory lectures, field visits, challenge from the field, work in pairs and small groups, portfolio, essay, final seminar and presentation of the essay.

The course starts in the beginning of October. The lectures and seminars are given Friday afternoon and the field visits according to the agreements. The information will be in the Internet by the second week of September.


Enrolment for University Studies

On the homepage of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work 8.9.-26.9.2008

3-Oct-2008 – 6-Nov-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Muut opinnot [Period I]

Students attend lectures (4h) and read one book from the study materials list. Students write an essay based on the lectures and the book.

9-Sep-2008 – 10-Sep-2008
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008)
Basic Studies [Period II]

Introductory lectures, field visits, challenge from the field, work in pairs and small groups, portfolio, essay, final seminar and presentation of the essay.

The course starts in the beginning of October. The lectures and seminars are given Friday afternoon and the field visits according to the agreements. The information will be in the Internet by the second week of September.


Enrolment for University Studies

On the homepage of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work 8.9.-26.9.2008

3-Oct-2008 – 6-Nov-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2009 - 6-Mar-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period III]

Monday, Feb. 23 from 9.00 to 12.00, University main building, room A08

Tuesday, Feb. 24 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K108

Wednesday, Feb. 25 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K112

Thursday, Feb. 26 from 9.00 to 12.00 Linna room K109

Friday, Feb. 27 from 9.00 to 12.00, Linna room K109

There is home work for each class.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration on the home page of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work from December 8, 2008 to January 31, 2009. You will get a reply to confirm your participation.

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period III]

Further information on registration periods at


Enrolment for University Studies

See instructions on registration on the Department web pages www.uta.fi/laitokset/sospol.

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (16-Mar-2009 - 15-May-2009)
Basic Studies [Period IV]

P5 Social Work in Different Social Contexts, 2nd independent module

Aim: To provide students with some basic understanding about and different perspectives to social work activity in different social contexts, and with some understanding about the relationship between local and global in social work.

Form of Educ. Lecture seminars (11 hours in the 2nd module), some readings and assignments given by the teachers

Target group: Undergraduate students

Period: 2nd independent module in the period 4

Credits: 2 credits.

Language: English

Study materials: Some articles delivered in the first session and materials designed by the teachers.

Mode of Active participation in at least 75% of lecture seminars, doing

Completion assignments and readings, reflective learning diary (5 pages) on seminars and readings (in English or in Finnish).

Course coordin. Anna Metteri

Feedback: Written feedback from students in English or in Finnish.


Including Client Perspectives in Mental Health Social Work

Visiting professor Ann Davis, University of Birmingham, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH), U.K.

Mon March 16 at 10-12, LINNA room K110

Tue March 17 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Wed March 18 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Child Policy and Child Protection in Russia

Visiting lecturer Alexandre Voronov, Director of the Centre of Theoretical and Practical Social Work and Students? Initiatives, State University of St. Petersburg, Russia

Mon March 23 at 10-12, LINNA room K110

Tue March 24 at 10-12, LINNA room K112

Wed March 25 at 10-11, LINNA room K112

Readings for the 2nd module, March 2009:

1. Cox, David & Pawar, Manohar (2006). The integrated Perspectives Approach to International Social Work. In David Cox and Manohar Pawar, International Social Work. Issues, Strategies, and Programs. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage, 23-47.

2. Cree, Viviene and Davis, Ann (2007) Mental Health Social Work. In Social Work: Voices from the Inside. London: Routledge, 1-22.

3. Glynn, Tony and Ansell, Julie (2006) Survival and Abuse: What We Can Learn From It? Journal of Social Work Education 25(4), 418 ? 428.

4. Grebneva, Irina A (2006) Social work development in Kazakhstan.? International Social Work 49(6), 819-823.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration from Jan 15 to March 6, 2009.

16-Mar-2009 – 25-Mar-2009
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Intermediate Studies [Period IV]

Opetus pidetään 7 eurooppalaisen yliopiston yhteistyönä Ejsbergissä, Tanskassa (matkapäivät 24.3. ja 4.4.2009). Tampereen yliopiston sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön laitokselta ohjelmaan osallistuu 5 sosiaalityön opiskelijaa ja sosiaalityön opettaja. Katso myös edellisen vuosien opiskelijoiden raportit.

Enrolment for University Studies

Haku ohjelmaan tapahtuu erillisen ilmoituksen perusteella 15.11.-11.12.2008.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English