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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Sustainable development study module


Period I (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)
Period II (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)
Period III (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)
Period IV (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)
Period (29-Aug-2016 - 23-Oct-2016)
Environment and Society [Period I]
30-Sep-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Responsible Business an Entrepreneurship [Period I]

This course aims to develop your understanding of business ethics and how organisations follow the code of ethics in their daily operations. The course is designed to provide insights into ethical theories and tools for developing ethical business practices along with your own exploration of ethical decision making and how to develop ethical leadership. However, the part of learning is developing an appreciation of your own aptitude and commitment for becoming an ethical professional.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
22-Sep-2016 – 27-Oct-2016
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course is available for independent study in periods II-IV.

Health and Global Development [Period I]

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Period (24-Oct-2016 - 16-Dec-2016)
Environment and Society [Period II]

3.11 The de-carbonising energy transition in a historical-institutional context

10.11 Energy policy and the complex dimensions of energy transitions

17.11 Reading circle: energy transitions in the EU 

24.11 Reading circle: energy transitions in the Nordic countries

1.12. Reading circle: energy transitions in Asia

8.12 Workshop: student presentations

15.12 Workshop: student presentations 

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
3-Nov-2016 – 15-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Compulsory preceding studies: POLPOLP01 Introduction to International Relations

30-Sep-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Responsible Business an Entrepreneurship [Period II]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

24-Oct-2016 – 31-Jul-2017
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page .

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2015–2018

Students will be working together in groups returning assignments throughout the course, thus they should have enough time for it in their timetable.

Enrolment for University Studies

Before enrolling to this course, make sure you are able to complete KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) before the beginning of course KATVAA12.

Enrolment time has expired
24-Oct-2016 – 12-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please notice, that it has to be completed before the beginning of course KATVAA12.

Health and Global Development [Period II]

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Period (9-Jan-2017 - 5-Mar-2017)
Responsible Business an Entrepreneurship [Period III]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

24-Oct-2016 – 31-Jul-2017
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page .

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2015–2018

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
19-Jan-2017 – 23-Feb-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note: Preceding studies

  • KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. You can complete Business Ethics course as independent study before or during KATVAA14 course. You will receive a grade for KATVAA14 course only after completing Business Ethics course or showing proof of corresponding studies.
  • KATVAA12 Responsible Business and Social Accounting (5 ECTS) a recommended preceding course.
Health and Global Development [Period III]

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Period (6-Mar-2017 - 28-May-2017)
Responsible Business an Entrepreneurship [Period IV]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

24-Oct-2016 – 31-Jul-2017
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page .

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2015–2018

This course includes visitors from business, thus requires attendance on most of the lectures.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Mar-2017 – 4-May-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please notice:

Preceding studies KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course, and has to be completed before the beginning of the course KATVAA13.

Lectures will be held either on Tuesday or Thursday and the lecture rooms vary. The lecture on Tuesday March 14. is obligatory for all.

Health and Global Development [Period IV]

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.