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Archived teaching schedules 2012–2013
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Swedish Translation Studies


Period I (3-Sep-2012 – 19-Oct-2012)
Period II (22-Oct-2012 – 14-Dec-2012)
Period III (7-Jan-2013 – 8-Mar-2013)
Period IV (11-Mar-2013 – 17-May-2013)

Teaching in the Autumn Semester 2012

Period (3-Sep-2012 – 19-Oct-2012)

Obligatory Studies

POHP1 Kieli käyttöön/Språket i bruk 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHP4 Kielioppi I/ Språkets strukturer I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHP5 Kirjallisuus ja kulttuuri/Litteratur och kultur 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)

Vapaaehtoiset opinnot

POHP2 Kirjallinen viestintä I/Skriftlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHA14 Käännösviestintä suomi-ruotsi 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHP3 Suullinen viestintä I/Muntlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHA4 Sukukieli I/ Grannspråk I (norska) 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Norwegian)
POHA1 Suullinen viestintä II/ Muntlig kommunikation II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
Period (22-Oct-2012 – 14-Dec-2012)

Obligatory Studies

POHP1 Kieli käyttöön/Språket i bruk 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHP4 Kielioppi I/ Språkets strukturer I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHP5 Kirjallisuus ja kulttuuri/Litteratur och kultur 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period

Vapaaehtoiset opinnot

POHP2 Kirjallinen viestintä I/Skriftlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHA14 Käännösviestintä suomi-ruotsi 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHP3 Suullinen viestintä I/Muntlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHA4 Sukukieli I/ Grannspråk I (norska) 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Norwegian) Continues from the previous period
POHA1 Suullinen viestintä II/ Muntlig kommunikation II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2013

Period (7-Jan-2013 – 8-Mar-2013)

Vapaaehtoiset opinnot

POHP2 Kirjallinen viestintä I/Skriftlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHA3 Kielioppi II/Språkets strukturer II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHP3 Suullinen viestintä I/ Muntlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHA1 Suullinen viestintä II/ Muntlig kommunikation II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
POHA9 Kielellinen vaihtelu/Språklig variation 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish)
Period (11-Mar-2013 – 17-May-2013)

Vapaaehtoiset opinnot

POHP2 Kirjallinen viestintä I/Skriftlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHA3 Kielioppi II/Språkets strukturer II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHP3 Suullinen viestintä I/ Muntlig kommunikation I 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHA1 Suullinen viestintä II/ Muntlig kommunikation II 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period
POHA9 Kielellinen vaihtelu/Språklig variation 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: Swedish) Continues from the previous period