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Archived teaching schedules 2018–2019
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Business Studies as Optional Studies


Period I (27-Aug-2018 – 21-Oct-2018)
Period II (22-Oct-2018 – 14-Dec-2018)
Period III (7-Jan-2019 – 3-Mar-2019)
Period IV (4-Mar-2019 – 26-May-2019)
Period (27-Aug-2018 - 21-Oct-2018)
Intermediate studies [Period I]

This course aims to develop your understanding of business ethics and how organisations follow the code of ethics in their daily operations. The course is designed to provide insights into ethical theories and tools for developing ethical business practices along with your own exploration of ethical decision making and how to develop ethical leadership. However, the part of learning is developing an appreciation of your own aptitude and commitment for becoming an ethical professional.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Sep-2018 – 18-Oct-2018
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course is also available for independent study (Option 2) in periods II-IV.

Option 2 is a web-based independent study module. The course consists of independent study and an individual essay.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
17-Sep-2018 – 14-Dec-2018
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course consists of independent study and a final essay. Students can write and hand-in the essay any time during the course. The essay can be written in English or in Finnish. Essay instructions are given on course moodle page.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please note that it has to be completed before the beginning of, or during, course KATVAA14.

KATVAA14 Option 1 (lectures) is organised in period III. KATVAA14 Option 2 (independent study) is organised in periods I-II and IV.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
11-Sep-2018 – 11-Oct-2018
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended year of study: 2. year, autumn (for degree programme students)
Recommended complementary course: KATJOS42 Service Management

Period (22-Oct-2018 - 14-Dec-2018)
Intermediate studies [Period II]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

Enrolment for University Studies

See more information below.

22-Oct-2018 – 31-Jul-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". You must use the enrolment key "Ethics2018" to sign in to Moodle. The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Please note that you can start the course anytime in periods II-IV.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page in Moodle.

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2018–2019.

Students will be working together in groups returning assignments throughout the course, thus they should have enough time for it in their timetable.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
22-Oct-2018 – 10-Dec-2018
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please notice, that it has to be completed before the beginning, or during, of course KATVAA12.

Option 1 (Lectures) is organised in period II and option 2 (Online course) is available in periods III-IV.

The course relies heavily on each student’s active participation in working with real life cases.
- The theoretical background of Business ideas and Business models.
- Different types of business models and business logic’s.
- Drafting one’s Business model toolkit through preparation of presentations of selected cases.
- Evaluation of one’s own learning and skills development in a final report.The course relies heavily on each student’s active participation in working with real life cases.
- The theoretical background of Business ideas and Business models.
- Different types of business models and business logic’s.
- Drafting one’s Business model toolkit through preparation of presentations of selected cases.
- Evaluation of one’s own learning and skills development in a final report.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
23-Oct-2018 – 29-Nov-2018
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course is lectured in English in Fall during Period II and in Finnish in Spring during Period IV.

Englanniksi syyslukukauden II periodilla ja suomeksi kevätlukukauden IV periodilla.

22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

The course introduces students to the field of ecological economics. The field of ecological economics is transdisciplinary by nature and as therefore applicable to economic, social, and environmental problem solving.  Students are offered a view to economics that differs fundamentally from the main school of economic thought known as neoclassical economics. First, the students are introduced to the vision that ecological economics offers with concepts such as full versus empty world, and circular economy. The students are then familiarized with different policy tools for guiding development towards a sustainable scale, such as Pigouvian taxes and caps on income and wealth. During the course students are also introduced to methods for measuring not only efficiency but also a sustainable scale and just distribution with in a system.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
23-Oct-2018 – 29-Nov-2018
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. You can complete Business Ethics course also as independent study before or during KATVAA15 course. You will receive a grade for KATVAA15 course only after completing Business Ethics course or showing proof of corresponding studies.

Option 2 is a web-based independent study module. The course consists of independent study and an individual essay.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
17-Sep-2018 – 14-Dec-2018
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course consists of independent study and a final essay. Students can write and hand-in the essay any time during the course. The essay can be written in English or in Finnish. Essay instructions are given on course moodle page.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please note that it has to be completed before the beginning of, or during, course KATVAA14.

KATVAA14 Option 1 (lectures) is organised in period III. KATVAA14 Option 2 (independent study) is organised in periods I-II and IV.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
22-Oct-2018 – 3-Mar-2019
Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This is an independent study course. All course assignments and the final essay will be completed via Moodle.

This course is available as independent study course in study periods II-III. In study period IV, this course will be organised EITHER as lectures or independent option.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please note that it has to be completed before the beginning of, or during, course KATVAA13.

KATVAA14 Option 1 (lectures) is organised in period III. KATVAA14 Option 2 (independent study) is organised in periods I-II and IV.

Students write learning assignments independently. More specific instructions will be provided on the course's Moodle area in October 2018.

Enrolment for University Studies

Please take into a consideration the required preceding studies and inform in the enrolment what basic course(s) in management and organizations you have.

Enrolment time has expired
22-Oct-2018 – 14-Dec-2018
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended time of study: the first year.

Obligatory previous studies: A basic course in management and organizations / business management or KATJOP11 Yrityksen johtamisen perusteet.

The students of the Degree Programme in Business Studies participate in the lecture course.

The course can be accomplished in three optional ways:

Option 1. The lecture course is offered in the third period.

Option 2. The independent study course in English is offered in the second, fourth and summer periods.

Option 3. The independent study course in Finnish is offered in the second, fourth and summer periods.

Period (7-Jan-2019 - 3-Mar-2019)
Intermediate studies [Period III]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

Enrolment for University Studies

See more information below.

22-Oct-2018 – 31-Jul-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". You must use the enrolment key "Ethics2018" to sign in to Moodle. The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Please note that you can start the course anytime in periods II-IV.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page in Moodle.

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2018–2019.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
17-Jan-2019 – 21-Feb-2019
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note: Preceding studies

  • KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. You can complete Business Ethics course as independent study before or during KATVAA14 course. You will receive a grade for KATVAA14 course only after completing Business Ethics course or showing proof of corresponding studies.
  • KATVAA12 Responsible Business and Social Accounting (5 ECTS) a recommended preceding course.

Option 1 (Lectures and essay) is organised in period III and option 2 (Independent study and essay) is available in periods I-II and IV.

22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
22-Oct-2018 – 3-Mar-2019
Periods: II III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This is an independent study course. All course assignments and the final essay will be completed via Moodle.

This course is available as independent study course in study periods II-III. In study period IV, this course will be organised EITHER as lectures or independent option.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please note that it has to be completed before the beginning of, or during, course KATVAA13.

KATVAA14 Option 1 (lectures) is organised in period III. KATVAA14 Option 2 (independent study) is organised in periods I-II and IV.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
14-Jan-2019 – 25-Feb-2019
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended year of study: 1. year, spring (for degree programme students)

The course is web-based. The course area in Moodle (learning2.uta.fi) will be opened on Mon 21 Jan 2019. Enrolment takes place automatically after the acceptance to the course.

The course consists of written assignments based on the study materials, a final essay and peer-review.

Please register for the course in advance through NettiOpsu. Registration begins in December.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
28-Jan-2019 – 5-Apr-2019
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
1-Mar-2019 – 31-May-2019
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course is an online course. The course comprises of an essay and a written exam of the course material.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please notice, that it has to be completed before the beginning, or during, of course KATVAA12.

Option 1 (Lectures) is organised in period II and option 2 (Online course) is available in periods III-IV.

Period (4-Mar-2019 - 26-May-2019)
Intermediate studies [Period IV]

Ethical theories and the concepts of business ethics; Ethical decision-making; Tools for developing business ethics practices.

Enrolment for University Studies

See more information below.

22-Oct-2018 – 31-Jul-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Degree programme students and exchange students: No pre-registration is required, you enrol to course by signing in course page at Moodle (learning2.uta.fi): "KATVAA11 Business Ethics (independent assignment and exam)". You must use the enrolment key "Ethics2018" to sign in to Moodle. The course page will open at the beginning of 2nd period.

Please note that you can start the course anytime in periods II-IV.

Detailed instructions for completing the course are at the course page in Moodle.

See also course description in the Curricula Guide 2018–2019.

This course includes visitors from business, thus requires attendance on most of the lectures.


Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
5-Mar-2019 – 25-Apr-2019
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please notice:

  • Preceding studies KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course, and has to be completed before the beginning of the course KATVAA13.
22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

22-Oct-2018 – 26-May-2019
Periods: II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam is open in II-IV periods: 22.10.2018-26.05.2019. Please register for the electronic exam: https://tenttis.uta.fi

Option 2 is a web-based independent study module. The course consists of independent study and an individual essay.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
4-Mar-2019 – 31-Jul-2019
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Please note! You can sing up for the course after the official registration time by sending an e-mail to the teacher outi.lehtonen@tuni.fi

The course consists of independent study and a final essay. Students can write and hand-in the essay any time during the course. The essay can be written in English or in Finnish. Essay instructions are given on course moodle page.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please note that it has to be completed before the beginning of, or during, course KATVAA14.

KATVAA14 Option 1 (lectures) is organised in period III. KATVAA14 Option 2 (independent study) is organised in periods I-II and IV.

The course is web-based. The course area in Moodle (learning2.uta.fi) will be opened on Mon 21 Jan 2019. Enrolment takes place automatically after the acceptance to the course.

The course consists of written assignments based on the study materials, a final essay and peer-review.

Please register for the course in advance through NettiOpsu. Registration begins in December.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
28-Jan-2019 – 5-Apr-2019
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Students write learning assignments independently. More specific instructions will be provided on the course's Moodle area before the course starts.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
4-Mar-2019 – 31-Jul-2019
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended time of study: the first year.

Compulsory preceding studies: A basic course in management and organizations / business management or KATJOP11 Yrityksen johtamisen perusteet.

The students of the Degree Programme in Business Studies participate in the lecture course.

The course can be accomplished in three optional ways:

Option 1. The lecture course is offered in the third period.

Option 2. The independent study course in English is offered in the second, fourth and summer periods.

Option 3. The independent study course in Finnish is offered in the second, fourth and summer periods.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
1-Mar-2019 – 31-May-2019
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course is an online course. The course comprises of an essay and a written exam of the course material.

KATVAA11 Business Ethics (5 ECTS) course (or corresponding studies) is a compulsory preceding course. Please notice, that it has to be completed before the beginning, or during, of course KATVAA12.

Option 1 (Lectures) is organised in period II and option 2 (Online course) is available in periods III-IV.