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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Master's Programme in Journalism


Period I (2-Sep-2013 – 18-Oct-2013)
Period IV (10-Mar-2014 – 16-May-2014)
Period (2-Sep-2013 - 18-Oct-2013)
Advanced Studies [Period I]

The lectures and exercises of the course aim at developing a theoretical and methodological basis for a comparative analysis of public service media worldwide. The lectures will focus on description and analysis of public service broadcasting in the Nordic countries; history and development, structure & remit, organization, funding, programming and production, construction of audiences, performance. This kind of broadcasting oriented view is then contrasted and discussed in relation to the new identity of public service broadcasting as public service media. Through student work in the course the lectures are complemented by a comparative European and global view. The main assignment for the students is to produce basic comparative data from their respective countries of origin by making use of the analytic scheme of the lectures. The web pages of broadcasters and similar Internet sources will be used as main measures to collect the needed information for student work. The students will also be instructed shortly for the use of electronic sources of the Tampere University Library.

Lectures and Exercises (2 ECTS), Working Paper (3 ECTS)

Enrolment for University Studies

Ilmoittautuminen NettiOpsulla. Ryhmään otetaan 24 opiskelijaa. Ilmoittautuminen päättyy 3.9.

Enrolment time has expired
5-Sep-2013 – 10-Oct-2013
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Tämä kurssi käy suoritukseksi sekä aineopintoihin että journalistiikan syventäviin opintoihin kohtaan JOVTS2JB.

Period (10-Mar-2014 - 16-May-2014)
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

Short lecture course gives an overview of the media in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa which form a new coalition of raising economies known as "BRICS". The lectures are based on research project "Media systems in flux: The challenge of the BRICS countries" (http://uta.fi/cmt/tutkimus/BRICS.html).

Enrolment for University Studies


Enrolment time has expired
7-Apr-2014 – 15-Apr-2014
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Mon-7-Apr Kaarle Nordenstreng: Introduction to BRICS
Tue-8-Apr Leonardo Custodio: Media landscapes in BRICS countries
Wed-9-Apr Svetlana Pasti: Media and journalists in Russia
Thu-10-Apr Svetlana Pasti: Media and journalists in China
Fri-11-Apr Iiris Ruoho: TV drama in BRICS countries
Mon-14-Apr Svetlana Pasti: De-Westernization of Media Studies I
Tue-15-Apr Kaarle Nordenstreng:De-Westernization of Media Studies II


This course is suitable for JOVA8 and JOVTS2JB.

Objective of the course is to enable students to understand processes of globalization, media convergence and the transformation from the industrial to the information society, in particular the role of the Internet as the basic infrastructure for global information society with its political, legal, economic, social and cultural implications. The course covers a range of issues, which have been negotiated in the process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

Enrolment for University Studies

NettiOpsun kautta.

Enrolment time has expired
10-Mar-2014 – 22-Mar-2014
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Tämä kurssi käy suoritukseksi sekä aineopintoihin että journalistiikan syventäviin opintoihin kohtaan JOVTS2JB.