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Archived teaching schedules 2010–2011
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Social Work


Period II (25-Oct-2010 – 17-Dec-2010)
Period III (10-Jan-2011 – 4-Mar-2011)
Period IV (7-Mar-2011 – 13-May-2011)

Teaching in the Autumn Semester 2010

Period (25-Oct-2010 – 17-Dec-2010)

Basic Studies

STYÖP3B Social Work in Different Social Contexts 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2011

Period (10-Jan-2011 – 4-Mar-2011)

Advanced Studies

STYÖS2A Knowledge production and research in social work practice SosNet -verkkokurssi 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
STYÖS2B2 Tackling social problems in Sub-Saharan Africa 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Period (7-Mar-2011 – 13-May-2011)

Basic Studies

STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work (V306-8 in the listing of Tamk University of Applied Sciences) 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Intermediate Studies

Advanced Studies

STYÖS2A Art and Creative Methods in Social Work Practice and Research 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
STYÖS2B2 Tackling social problems in Sub-Saharan Africa 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period