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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Asian Studies


Period I (1-Sep-2008 – 17-Oct-2008)
Period II (27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008)
Period III (7-Jan-2009 – 6-Mar-2009)
Period IV (16-Mar-2009 – 15-May-2009)
Period (1-Sep-2008 - 17-Oct-2008)
Other courses [Period I]

Objectives: After the course the students should have a basic understanding about the local cultures and societies in South and South-East Asia.
Content: The course is an introductory course on South and South East Asian cultures and societies. It will provide a basic understanding of the societies and cultures concerned, including their complexity, as well as basic categories of organization such as family, caste, class and so forth. Though the course is grounded on current research on South and South East Asia, the topics are approached also through visual material (theatre recordings, fiction and documentary films) and literature.

Compensation in SPOLA3A7: 2 ECTS. Student should discuss with the examiner which parts of the book Allen-Thomas (ed.) the course compensates

Priority is given to students in Asian Studies module or students of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.

8-Oct-2008 – 3-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

Please register for the course through NettiOpsu http://www.uta.fi/studies/nettiopsu/. Registration is open August 29th - September 22nd.

Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

HUOM. Opintojakson
suorittamalla voi korvata osan (1 op) opintojaksoista
- MEKYA4 Tuotanto, talous ja instituutiot tai
- MEKYA9 Projektiopinnot

11-Sep-2008 – 6-Nov-2008
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008)
Other courses [Period II]

Objectives: The course aims at explaining the formation and development of modern Japanese society and culture in historical perspective. Why was Japan the only Asian nation which was able to modernize itself already in the 19th century, however, without losing its own identity (that is, without westernization)?
- The formation of Japanese society and culture during the Tokugawa-period (1600-1853).
- From the opening of Japan to the Meiji-revolution (1853-1869).
- The birth of Modern Japan (1869-1905).
- The rise and fall of the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" (1905-1945).
- Rebirth of modern Japan (1945-1989).
- The "lost decade" and challenges of the future (from 1990)

Please note that the course begins during the UTA period break!

Enrolment for University Studies

In addition to the students of the Asian Studies module, there is room for 20 students of history (major or minor subject). Please preregister by sending an e-mail to isss@uta.fi. Places will be filled in the order of registration.

21-Oct-2008 – 9-Dec-2008
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: After the course the students should have a basic understanding about the local cultures and societies in South and South-East Asia.
Content: The course is an introductory course on South and South East Asian cultures and societies. It will provide a basic understanding of the societies and cultures concerned, including their complexity, as well as basic categories of organization such as family, caste, class and so forth. Though the course is grounded on current research on South and South East Asia, the topics are approached also through visual material (theatre recordings, fiction and documentary films) and literature.

Compensation in SPOLA3A7: 2 ECTS. Student should discuss with the examiner which parts of the book Allen-Thomas (ed.) the course compensates

Priority is given to students in Asian Studies module or students of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.

8-Oct-2008 – 3-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2009 - 6-Mar-2009)
Other courses [Period III]

Objectives: To identify main features of contemporary Chinese and Korean culture. To explain how cultural changes interact with contemporary issues in Chinese and Korean society.
Content: This course will focus on contemporary characteristics of Chinese and Korean culture and society. For various historical reasons both societies have undergone thorough changes in the 20th century. With a brief introduction to the historical background this course will address the main topical issues. How these social changes have interacted with culture? What are the main changes of traditional culture in both countries? How culture interacts with social change and what kind of social problems have occurred?

Enrolment for University Studies

Preregistration in NettiOpsu: starts 7.1.2009 at 06.00, ends: 12.1.2009 at 23.59. The course can be found under the Department of History and Philosophy.

20-Jan-2009 – 17-Feb-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: Familiarize the students to the regional system and interstate politics of Southeast Asia and its place in Asian - Pacific and global system in general
Content: Introduction to main regional theories, evolution of the state system in Southeast Asian, economic and political integration in Southeast Asia and the integration into the global economic and political system in general.

Compensates 2 cr pts from KVPOA3 or KVPOS3 World Politics. There will be reading lists.

Lecture materials are available on the ISSS web pages.

15-Jan-2009 – 5-Feb-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English


Korvaa myös tiedotusopin viestinnän opinto- kokonaisuuden yleisellä linjalla 4 op kohdasta AV1a

Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up

14-Jan-2009 – 4-Mar-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (16-Mar-2009 - 15-May-2009)
Other courses [Period IV]

- The concept of East Asia (includes both Northeast and Southeast Asia)
- Rhetorical and narrativistic constructions of East Asia as a distinct area
- Special geopolitical characteristics of the area: economic growth,
political security complexes, influence of outside actors
- Country profiles
- Presence of history in present politics

Compensates one book/2 cr pts from KVPOS3 World Politics.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

Please register for the course through NettiOpsu http://www.uta.fi/studies/nettiopsu/

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: To gain general understanding on how Asia is and has been represented in "the West" (Europe and the US)
Content: The course focuses on how Asia has been and is represented on Western art, media discourses and literature.
Modes of Study: Participating on lectures, essay (instructions given during the lecture)

The course is open to all interested, enrolment not necessary.

Korvaa myös tiedotusopin viestinnän opinto- kokonaisuuden yleisellä linjalla 4 op kohdasta AV1a.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English