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Archived teaching schedules 2017–2018
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy


Period I (4-Sep-2017 – 22-Oct-2017)
Period III (8-Jan-2018 – 4-Mar-2018)
Period IV (5-Mar-2018 – 27-May-2018)
Period (4-Sep-2017 - 22-Oct-2017)
Aineopinnot [Period I]

On this intensive course, we examine the leading contemporary philosophical theories of well-being, and consider their implications for empirical research and public policy. Students are expected to read several articles in advance for each meeting of the class to enable discussion.

The texts are now available in moodle - the self-enrolment key is "Well". Self-enrolment in moodle, and reading the main texts in advance, is strongly encouraged!


Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
2-Oct-2017 – 5-Oct-2017
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (8-Jan-2018 - 4-Mar-2018)
Aineopinnot [Period III]

In this text seminar we will be reading Axel Honneth's book Freedom's Right. The text is available in the moodle page, the password is Honneth.

Meetings (Preliminary):

10.1. Introductory lecture + pp.1-12

31.1. pp. 13-62

14.2.pp 63 - 94

28.2 pp 95 - 130

14.3. pp 131-175

11.4 pp 176-222

25.4. pp.223-280

9.5. pp.281-335

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Jan-2018 – 9-May-2018
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (5-Mar-2018 - 27-May-2018)
Aineopinnot [Period IV]

In this text seminar we will be reading Axel Honneth's book Freedom's Right. The text is available in the moodle page, the password is Honneth.

Meetings (Preliminary):

10.1. Introductory lecture + pp.1-12

31.1. pp. 13-62

14.2.pp 63 - 94

28.2 pp 95 - 130

14.3. pp 131-175

11.4 pp 176-222

25.4. pp.223-280

9.5. pp.281-335

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Jan-2018 – 9-May-2018
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
5-Jun-2018 – 8-Jun-2018
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Students are requested to be prepared to volunteer to help the conference organizers (many of whom are not local) with practicalities (where to find a janitor etc).
