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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.


Period I (1-Sep-2008 – 17-Oct-2008)
Period II (27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008)
Period III (7-Jan-2009 – 6-Mar-2009)
Period IV (16-Mar-2009 – 15-May-2009)
Period (1-Sep-2008 - 17-Oct-2008)
Advanced Studies [Period I]

The seminar lasts for the whole academic year 2008-2009.  More information will be announced later on the MGE'S web-pages.

Seminar ( 2 h/week). Seminar Schedule is to be announced later.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008)
Advanced Studies [Period II]

The seminar lasts for the whole academic year 2008-2009.  More information will be announced later on the MGE'S web-pages.

Seminar ( 2 h/week). Seminar Schedule is to be announced later.

Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2009 - 6-Mar-2009)
Advanced Studies [Period III]

Continues from the autumn semester 2008. Please take a look at the MGE´s web-pages.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

This is an advanced course of finance. Prerequisites: good knowledge of the basics of corporate finance and good knowledge of the basics of econometrics.Please take a look at Study Guide (Opinto-opas) of Economics: Advanced Studies, Special Courses in International Economics and Finance, KTALS221.


1. Brealey-Myers-Allen: Principles of Corporate Finance, 9/e, McGraw-Hill 2008.
2. Bodie-Kane-Marcus: Investments, McGraw-Hill 2005.
3. Grinblatt-Tittman: Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, McGraw-Hill 2002.
4. Hull: Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 6/e, Pearson Education 2008.

14-Jan-2009 – 27-Mar-2009
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Ks. tarkemmat tiedot taloustieteiden laitoksen sivuilta

Ks. Opinto-opas, kohta KTALS221 Kansainvälisen talouden ja rahatalouden erikoiskurssit.

Kurssi kuuluu myös laskentatoimi-oppiaineen opetusohjelmaan (LASKS255).

23-Jan-2009 – 13-Feb-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (16-Mar-2009 - 15-May-2009)
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

Continues from the autumn semester 2008. Please take a look at the MGE´s web-pages.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

This is an advanced course of finance. Prerequisites: good knowledge of the basics of corporate finance and good knowledge of the basics of econometrics.Please take a look at Study Guide (Opinto-opas) of Economics: Advanced Studies, Special Courses in International Economics and Finance, KTALS221.


1. Brealey-Myers-Allen: Principles of Corporate Finance, 9/e, McGraw-Hill 2008.
2. Bodie-Kane-Marcus: Investments, McGraw-Hill 2005.
3. Grinblatt-Tittman: Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, McGraw-Hill 2002.
4. Hull: Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 6/e, Pearson Education 2008.

14-Jan-2009 – 27-Mar-2009
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English