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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Social Policy


Period I (1-Sep-2008 – 17-Oct-2008)
Period II (27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008)
Period III (7-Jan-2009 – 6-Mar-2009)
Period IV (16-Mar-2009 – 15-May-2009)
Period (1-Sep-2008 - 17-Oct-2008)
Basic Studies [Period I]

Objectives: After the course the students should have a basic understanding about the local cultures and societies in South and South-East Asia.
Content: The course is an introductory course on South and South East Asian cultures and societies. It will provide a basic understanding of the societies and cultures concerned, including their complexity, as well as basic categories of organization such as family, caste, class and so forth. Though the course is grounded on current research on South and South East Asia, the topics are approached also through visual material (theatre recordings, fiction and documentary films) and literature.

Compensation in SPOLA3A7: 2 ECTS. Student should discuss with the examiner which parts of the book Allen-Thomas (ed.) the course compensates

Priority is given to students in Asian Studies module or students of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.

8-Oct-2008 – 3-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008)
Basic Studies [Period II]

Objectives: After the course the students should have a basic understanding about the local cultures and societies in South and South-East Asia.
Content: The course is an introductory course on South and South East Asian cultures and societies. It will provide a basic understanding of the societies and cultures concerned, including their complexity, as well as basic categories of organization such as family, caste, class and so forth. Though the course is grounded on current research on South and South East Asia, the topics are approached also through visual material (theatre recordings, fiction and documentary films) and literature.

Compensation in SPOLA3A7: 2 ECTS. Student should discuss with the examiner which parts of the book Allen-Thomas (ed.) the course compensates

Priority is given to students in Asian Studies module or students of the Department of Social Policy and Social Work.

8-Oct-2008 – 3-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2009 - 6-Mar-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period III]

Koordinaattori Minna Zechner, useita luennoitsijoita

Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up in advance.

8-Jan-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course is part of the UNIPID virtual studies study module.

Time: Course time 14 January - 31 March 2009, new lectures 14 January - 18 February.

Registration: Latest 7 January 2009 through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7. REGISTRATION PERIOD HAS BEEN EXTENDED: Between 10th and 13th January through NettiOpsu -system at Department of Social Policy and Social Work / Social Policy / SPOLA3A7

Course content: Leading scholars of Finland present contemporary theories of development, society, history, political economy and environment as ways to approach social development on a global level. See the programme of the course at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/isss/studies/global_social_development.php

New lectures: 15 hours of lectures at K103 in Linna-building starting on Wednesdays at 16.15 from 14 January to 18 February 2009. Exceptions: a lecture on Monday 16 February.

Study materials: Video lectures 40 lecture hours. That consists of live lectures (15 hours see above) and lectures of spring 2008 (25 hours). Learning materials and texts related to video lectures will be available on the Moodle -course management system. New modules will emerge on course's Moodle -site in a week after lectures have been held at the University of Tampere.

Objectives: 1) Learn social development as a multidisciplinary concept. 2) Learn social development as a concept of global social policy. 3) Learn major factors of social development and how they are in relation to each others.

Learning methods: A particular student centered learning diary based on the lectures. Length of the diary ab. 10 pages (1,5-row, 12-font).

Pedagogical frameworks: Critical pedagogy and problem based learning.

Inquiries: isss@uta.fi

Teacher in charge: Senior Assistant Professor Mikko Perkiö Tel. 03 35 51 71 76.

Teaching language: English


If no specific agreement with any other subject 5 ECTS will be registered in the English Curriculum of social policy (SPOIB8B2)


SPOIB8B2 Social Policy and Development 5 ECTS
SOSPOLA3A7 Global Social Development 6 ECTS (including 1 ECTS extension to the learning diary)


2 books / 4 ECTS from the following books:

Agnew, Weatherby, or Pempel in A3
Fierke, Miall-Rambotsham-Woodhouse, or Newman-Richmond in A5
in S2 or S3 4 ECTS / 2 books


HISOA3 Temaattiset erikoistumisopinnot
TASOP2 Taloushistoria
tai sopimuksen mukaan S3


The course with the learning diary is 3 credits in Women's Studies, or, upon agreement, 6-7 credits with a longer essay. The student directs the question to the lecturer as with the other learning diaries, but the arguments for the questions have to deal with the thematic of gender and sexuality in all cases.

W.S.2 Gender in the Making: c)'Race', Ethnicity, Post-colonialism (7 ECTS)
NAISA2D Kansallisuus ja kansalaisuus (6 op)
NAISA2I Globaalit geminismit (6op)
M5 Naistutkimuksen alat (8 op)


4 ECTS to be agreed with Professor Nordenstreng.


P5 2 ECTS (perform 50 % of the courses's general demand)

Other compensations to be confirmed.

Assessment: passed / failed, 0-5 grading on a student's request

14-Jan-2009 – 31-Mar-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (16-Mar-2009 - 15-May-2009)
Intermediate Studies [Period IV]

Content: Crisis period is always a catalyst for social change. Russian society like many others faces crisis-related challenges. The effects of the crisis are already making an impact on its basic institutions, economic and social. The Russian society and the elites have to respond to key dilemmas of the day:
- How to define itself vis-à-vis the West or the East?
- Should the policy of openness be continued or should protectionism replace international cooperation?
- How should the social policies be defined - support for the poor or bolstering the rich?
- What should be the response to political challenges - more concentration of power or more democracy?
The response to these and many other challenges is going to shape the future of the Russian Federation and, in a way, the future of Europe and the world.


Sociology: 2 ECTS from SOSLA2.2 Vertaileva tutkimus or SOSLA2.4 Sosiaaliset instituutiot ja käytännöt

Social Policy: 2 ECTS from SPOLA3A2 Vertaileva hyvinvointivaltiotutkimus or SPOLA2.4 Globaali sosiaalinen kehitys

Bachelor of Social Sciences/ISSS: Sociology: 2 ECTS from SOSLA2.2 Comparative Research or SOSLA2.4 Social Institutions and Practices

Russian Studies: RSTA4

Other compensations to be confirmed.

Modes of Study: Lectures 12 h and learning diary 10 pages (1.5-row, 12-font). Lecture diary to be returned by March 31 in paper form to the ISSS-office (Linna room 6062)

More information from isss(at)uta.fi

16-Mar-2009 – 18-Mar-2009
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English