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Archived teaching schedules 2011–2012
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Social Work


Period I (1-Sep-2011 – 21-Oct-2011)
Period II (24-Oct-2011 – 16-Dec-2011)
Period III (9-Jan-2012 – 9-Mar-2012)
Period IV (12-Mar-2012 – 20-May-2012)
Period (1-Sep-2011 - 21-Oct-2011)
Basic Studies [Period I]

V306-8/ STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work 5 ects

Objective of course :

Student is able to

  • Describe Finnish social welfare system and social work practices
  • Analyze social work methods and approaches used within different working fields in practice  
  •  Analyze and compare challenges of social service / social work practices at present
  • Compare analytically differences and similarities between Finnish social protection and that of student's own origin

Course contents :

  • The structure, present status and development history of Finnish social protection system
  • Social welfare services
  • Social work and social work methods in different contexts
  • Social problems and future challenges for service development

Teaching methods :

  • Orientative lectures (16 hours + seminar 6 hours)
  • Study visits (5-6 different social work/service fields) in small groups
  • Seminar with a presentation
  • Virtual learning space Moodle is used for discussions and background material

Assessment methods:

  • Active participation in the lectures and study visits
  • Portfolio based on literature, lectures and study visits and its presentation in the seminar

Required/Recommended reading :

  • Background literature related to each theme is given during the lessons.
  • Background documents in Moodle.

Year of study :

Teaching place: TAMK Social services, Pyynikintie. 2A, 
Language of instruction

Principal lecturer Ulla-Maija Koivula (TAMK), tel. 050-5702471.Email: ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi   Contact preferably by Email.

TAMK University of Applied Sciences
Pyynikintie 2A, 33230 Tampere
Tel. +358-50-5702471
Fax. +358-3-2452401

Enrolment for University Studies

To sign up: From Tamk through Winha, from UTA from SITR courses or by email to ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (24-Oct-2011 - 16-Dec-2011)
Basic Studies [Period II]

V306-8/ STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work 5 ects

Objective of course :

Student is able to

  • Describe Finnish social welfare system and social work practices
  • Analyze social work methods and approaches used within different working fields in practice  
  •  Analyze and compare challenges of social service / social work practices at present
  • Compare analytically differences and similarities between Finnish social protection and that of student's own origin

Course contents :

  • The structure, present status and development history of Finnish social protection system
  • Social welfare services
  • Social work and social work methods in different contexts
  • Social problems and future challenges for service development

Teaching methods :

  • Orientative lectures (16 hours + seminar 6 hours)
  • Study visits (5-6 different social work/service fields) in small groups
  • Seminar with a presentation
  • Virtual learning space Moodle is used for discussions and background material

Assessment methods:

  • Active participation in the lectures and study visits
  • Portfolio based on literature, lectures and study visits and its presentation in the seminar

Required/Recommended reading :

  • Background literature related to each theme is given during the lessons.
  • Background documents in Moodle.

Year of study :

Teaching place: TAMK Social services, Pyynikintie. 2A, 
Language of instruction

Principal lecturer Ulla-Maija Koivula (TAMK), tel. 050-5702471.Email: ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi   Contact preferably by Email.

TAMK University of Applied Sciences
Pyynikintie 2A, 33230 Tampere
Tel. +358-50-5702471
Fax. +358-3-2452401

Enrolment for University Studies

To sign up: From Tamk through Winha, from UTA from SITR courses or by email to ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English

P3B Social Work in Different Social Contexts, organized, withing the limits of the possibilities to organize teacher exchange, in 2nd independent module.

The course covers 2 ECTS .

Aim: To provide students with basic understanding about different perspectives to social work activity in different social contexts, as well as regarding the relationship between local and global in social work.

Form of Educ. Lecture seminars, readings and assignments given by the teachers.

Target group: Undergraduate students

Language: English

Study materials: Articles delivered in the first session and materials designed by the teachers.

Mode of studying: Active participation in at least 75% of lecture seminars, readings and assignments. 

Completion: Active participation in the lecture seminar and accomplishment of the tasks given. Participation in the introductory lecture is necessary, because the information about the course and tasks will be given by the teacher. Students write a reflective essay (3-4 pages, in English or in Finnish) on their cultural identity.

Course coordin. To be informed later.

Feedback: Written feedback from students in English or in Finnish.

Programme: Informed at the time of enrolment for the course.  

Reading assignments: Informed by the teacher in the beginning of the course.

Social Work in Different Social Contexts, autumn term 2011


Some of the lecture rooms were changed 31.10.2011.


Mon 24 Oct at 12-14 Main building lecture room A2a.

Introductory lectures, Kaisa-Elina Hotari, University of Tampere


Tue 25 Oct at 12-14 Main building lecture room A3. Development and characteristics of social security practices in Siberia (in 1990s XX century-early XXI century). Professor, Doctor of Science in History Grik Nickolay from TUSUR, TOMSK, Russia.


Wed 26 Oct at 12-14 Main building lecture room A3.

Social projects activity at TUSUR (Tomsk state university of control systems and radioelectronics): objectives, results, problems. Review of the Project ?Social adaptation support for handicapped students at technical university?. Associate professor, Candidate of Science in History, Zinovyeva Valentina, Associate professor, Candidate of Science in History, Maxim Bersenev., Visitors from TUSUR, TOMSK, Russia.


Mon 31 Oct at 12-14 Main building lecture room A32
Tue 1 Nov at 12-14 Main building lecture room C6
Wed 2 Nov at 12-14 Atalpa 140.

Client perspectives in mental health work, prof. Ann Davis, director of CEIMH, University of Birmingham, U.K. This module is included also in the curriculum of psychology and logopedy.


Mon 7 Nov at 12 -14 Main building lecture room A2a
Tue 8 Nov at 12-14  Atalpa 140
Wed 9 Nov at 12-14 Pinni lecture room A1078
Social Work in Lithuania. Lecturer from Department of Social Work dr. Raminta Jancaityte from Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.

Mon 14 Nov at 12-14 Main building lecture room A2a

Tue 15 Nov at 12-14 Atalpa 140

Wed 16 Nov at 12-14 Pinni A1078

1) Social work in India: History and Practice 2) Participatory Action Research as a method of Social work: Water Resource Management initiatives in Kerala, India
3)  Social work through policy based research: Highlighting the politics ofland acquisition by the State and displacement in India, PhD student Chitra K.P,Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.


Mon 21 Nov at 12-14 Main building lecture room A2a

Tue 22 Nov at 12-14 Atalpa 140

Wed 23 Nov at 12-14 Pinni A1078
Primary health and Social support in Mozambique: The role of social worker in promoting indigenous health practices (culture, and knowledge) to provide care and support for people with AIDS, Sónia Nhantumbo-Divage, PhD student, University of Tampere/UEM, Mozambique.


Mon 28 Nov at 12-14 main building lecture room A2a

Tue 29 Nov at 12-14 Atalpa 140

Wed 30 Nov at 12-14 Pinni A1078

Environment and Communities in India- Role of the social worker in bridging gaps in policies and practice. PhD student Arpita Das, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.



The course program was changed 29.09.2011 because of the cancellation of one lecturer.





Enrolment for University Studies

Ilmoittautuminen Netti-Opsussa 20.5.-14.10.2011.

Enrolment time has expired
25-Oct-2011 – 5-Dec-2011
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Period (9-Jan-2012 - 9-Mar-2012)
Basic Studies [Period III]

V306-8/ STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work 5 ects

Objective of course :

Student is able to

  • Describe Finnish social welfare system and social work practices
  • Analyze social work methods and approaches used within different working fields in practice  
  •  Analyze and compare challenges of social service / social work practices at present
  • Compare analytically differences and similarities between Finnish social protection and that of student's own origin

Course contents :

  • The structure, present status and development history of Finnish social protection system
  • Social welfare services
  • Social work and social work methods in different contexts
  • Social problems and future challenges for service development

Teaching methods :

  • Orientative lectures (16 hours + seminar 6 hours)
  • Study visits (5-6 different social work/service fields) in small groups
  • Seminar with a presentation
  • Virtual learning space Moodle is used for discussions and background material

Assessment methods:

  • Active participation in the lectures and study visits
  • Portfolio based on literature, lectures and study visits and its presentation in the seminar

Required/Recommended reading :

  • Background literature related to each theme is given during the lessons.
  • Background documents in Moodle.

Year of study :

Teaching place: TAMK Social services, Pyynikintie. 2A, 
Language of instruction

Principal lecturer Ulla-Maija Koivula (TAMK), tel. 050-5702471.Email: ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi   Contact preferably by Email.

TAMK University of Applied Sciences
Pyynikintie 2A, 33230 Tampere
Tel. +358-50-5702471
Fax. +358-3-2452401

Enrolment for University Studies

To sign up: From Tamk through Winha, from UTA from SITR courses or by email to ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period III]

Further information on registration periods at


Enrolment for University Studies

See instructions on registration on the Department web pages www.uta.fi/yky/oppiaineet/sosiaalityo/index.html
Registration in time 14.11.2011-8.1.2012.

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (12-Mar-2012 - 20-May-2012)
Basic Studies [Period IV]

V306-8/ STYÖP2 Finnish Social Welfare and Social Work 5 ects

Objective of course :

Student is able to

  • Describe Finnish social welfare system and social work practices
  • Analyze social work methods and approaches used within different working fields in practice  
  •  Analyze and compare challenges of social service / social work practices at present
  • Compare analytically differences and similarities between Finnish social protection and that of student's own origin

Course contents :

  • The structure, present status and development history of Finnish social protection system
  • Social welfare services
  • Social work and social work methods in different contexts
  • Social problems and future challenges for service development

Teaching methods :

  • Orientative lectures (16 hours + seminar 6 hours)
  • Study visits (5-6 different social work/service fields) in small groups
  • Seminar with a presentation
  • Virtual learning space Moodle is used for discussions and background material

Assessment methods:

  • Active participation in the lectures and study visits
  • Portfolio based on literature, lectures and study visits and its presentation in the seminar

Required/Recommended reading :

  • Background literature related to each theme is given during the lessons.
  • Background documents in Moodle.

Year of study :

Teaching place: TAMK Social services, Pyynikintie. 2A, 
Language of instruction

Principal lecturer Ulla-Maija Koivula (TAMK), tel. 050-5702471.Email: ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi   Contact preferably by Email.

TAMK University of Applied Sciences
Pyynikintie 2A, 33230 Tampere
Tel. +358-50-5702471
Fax. +358-3-2452401

Enrolment for University Studies

To sign up: From Tamk through Winha, from UTA from SITR courses or by email to ulla-maija.koivula@tamk.fi

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Advanced Studies [Period IV]

Korvaavuus opintojaksoon STYÖS2A tai STYÖS3B. 

Enrolment for University Studies

NettiOpsussa 5.10.2011-31.3.2012, jos olet kirjoilla Tampereen yliopistossa, muuten sähköpostilla Anna Metterille , anna.metteri@uta.fi

Enrolment time has expired
20-Apr-2012 – 27-Apr-2012
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English


STYÖS2B2 Social Work and Social Problems in Sub-Saharan Africa 2 ECTS,

Code-Net is a North-South-South collaboration programme between the University of Tampere, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, St. Augustine university (Mwanza, Tanzania), University of Kwazulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa), Catholic University and Ministry of Women and Social Affairs (Mozambique). Professors and lecturers from the partner institutes are visiting Tampere during 23.4.-1.5.2012. During their visit a lecture seminar is organized related to the social problems and community collaboration in social work.

Place: The lecturers are held at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Pyynikintie 2, class room 328, 3rd. floor.  

Tuesday 24.4.

9.15 - 9.30 Orientation to the course and introduction of NSS programme and partners, Ulla-Maija Koivula & Anna Metteri
9.30 - 10.15 Tanzania: country, culture, social situation and social problems and introducing Mwanza and St. Augustine University and its study programmes related to social work / sociology by Mr. Ludovick Myumbo
10.15 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 "Ideology and the Killing of Albinos in Tanzania: A Shifting Cultural Paradigm", Mr. Ludovick Myumbo
11.30 - 12.00 Questions and discussions

Wednesday 25.4.

9.15 - 9.20 Introduction of the lecturer
9.20 - 10.00 South Africa: country, culture, social situation and social problems and introducing Durban and University of Kwazulu-Natal and its social work programme by Dr. Prof. Vishanthie Sewpaul
10.00 - 10.15 Coffee break
10.15 - 11.30 "Emancipatory education: Towards engaged citizenship, democratic practices and active community engagement", Dr. Prof. Vishanthie Sewpaul
11.30 - 12.00 Questions and discussion

Thursday 26.4.

9.15 - 9.20 Introduction of the lecturers
9.20 - 10.00 Mozambique: country, culture, social situation and social problems and the role of MMASby Mrs. Rute Muchanga (translated and commented by doctoral student  Ms. Sonia Nhantumbo-Divage)
10.15 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 Principles of alternative care as a community collaboration in the care of OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children)”, Mrs. Rute Muchanga (lecture is held in Portuguese and translated by doctoral student Ms. Sonia Nhantumbo-Divage)

11.30 - 12.00 Questions and discussion

Friday 27.4.

9.15-9.20 Introduction of the lecturers
9.20 - 10.20 Social work education and social services in Mozambique, Mr. Osvaldo Fransisco, Catholic University of Mozambique, Nampula

10.20-10.40 Coffee  break

10.40 - 11 .45 "Social Work in Mozambique: Challenges in the HIV/AIDS context" - "HIV/AIDS home –based care in Mozambique and  the role social workers can play in health care and social support provision", Ms. Sonia Nhantumbo-Divage, PhD students at UTA from University of Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique

11.45 - 12.15 Questions and discussion
12.15 - 12.30 Evaluation of the course

Study requirements:

  1. Active participation in the lecture seminar
  2. Two supporting articles (list of articles given in the beginning of the course)
  3. Learning diary of  1000-1500 words (to be returned latest on 18.5.2012). The lecture diary will be returned to anna.metteri(at)uta.fi (UTA students) or to ulla-maija.koivula(at)tamk.fi (TAMK students)



Enrolment for University Studies

Tampere University of Applied Sciences: Through Winha, from March 15 to 15 April 2012. Questions about the course to Ulla-Maija Koivula (ulla-maija.koivula(at)tamk.fi)
University of Tampere: Through NettiOpsu from March 15 to April 15, 2012.

Enrolment time has expired
24-Apr-2012 – 27-Apr-2012
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English