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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
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Women's Studies


Period I (1-Sep-2008 – 17-Oct-2008)
Period II (27-Oct-2008 – 12-Dec-2008)
Period III (7-Jan-2009 – 6-Mar-2009)
Period IV (16-Mar-2009 – 15-May-2009)
Period (1-Sep-2008 - 17-Oct-2008)
Basic Studies [Period I]

27.10.-17.12.2008. This course aims to introduce some important themes of Women's and Gender Studies with a specific Finnish perspective. Themes: Gender, Equality & Power. The course centers around three themes; the concepts of gender, gender equality, and (gendered) power. Through these themes the student will gain an insight into Finnish society and some contexts is which gender, equality and power are significant factors. The course is divided into three sections, each of two weeks, centering on the themes, and each teacher is responsible for one theme. For each theme the students will read two or more texts and discuss them in smaller groups.

For further information, see the Hilma homepage.

To compensate WS1 Introduction to Women's Studies (7 ECTS) with the Internet course you only need to do one book additionally in a book exam: Connell: Gender. (2 ECTS).

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration 22.9.-10.10.2008 by sending e-mail to ekinnari@abo.fi

27-Oct-2008 – 17-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: Students are familiar with women's studies through feminist critique of politics. The students are able to present arguments, write essays and comment each other's papers. Content: Seminar work focusing on analyzing gender in political thinking and democratic practices through exercises and essays. Modes of study: Lectures (4h), seminar (20h), essays.

8-Sep-2008 – 10-Oct-2008
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Period (27-Oct-2008 - 12-Dec-2008)
Basic Studies [Period II]

27.10.-17.12.2008. This course aims to introduce some important themes of Women's and Gender Studies with a specific Finnish perspective. Themes: Gender, Equality & Power. The course centers around three themes; the concepts of gender, gender equality, and (gendered) power. Through these themes the student will gain an insight into Finnish society and some contexts is which gender, equality and power are significant factors. The course is divided into three sections, each of two weeks, centering on the themes, and each teacher is responsible for one theme. For each theme the students will read two or more texts and discuss them in smaller groups.

For further information, see the Hilma homepage.

To compensate WS1 Introduction to Women's Studies (7 ECTS) with the Internet course you only need to do one book additionally in a book exam: Connell: Gender. (2 ECTS).

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration 22.9.-10.10.2008 by sending e-mail to ekinnari@abo.fi

27-Oct-2008 – 17-Dec-2008
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2009 - 6-Mar-2009)
Basic Studies [Period III]

Objectives: The student is familiar with the basic concepts and research traditions in Women's Studies, including gender relations in the Nordic societies and Finland in particular.

Contents: The course gives an introduction to the current research themes in Women?s Studies.

Modes of study: Active participation in the introductory lectures as well as the group sessions with course readings, assignments and a learning diary. 

the instructions for the learning diary:


Learning Diary
W.S.1 Introduction to Women?s Studies ?lecture

Spring Term 2009

The learning diary should be based on the lectures, the texts you read and the discussions in the groups. You should be present at each lecture. If, however, you are sick or have some other very good reason for not attending, read two texts (instead of the usual one) for that meeting and write your learning diary based on them. In this case you also need to write a bit longer learning diary.

The purpose of the learning diary is to write about two things. First of all you should write about the main points of each lecture, the readings and reading seminar: what was their most important message from your own point of view? Secondly, you should write about your own relationship to the content of the lecture, readings and the reading seminar. Describe what you have learned from them and how the things you have learned relate to things you have learned previously, for example in other subjects. Did you have preconceived ideas that changed? Give your own examples; bring in a current debate, book, film, personal experiences or things you have learned elsewhere. What kind of tools did you get to reflect upon social and cultural phenomena?

You can have a critical look at the lectures and readings and you can disagree with them. The aim is to write a reflective diary. The learning diary does not have to be an essay-like cohesive piece of writing but it should not fall apart into separate unrelated sentences either. Use subheadings to structure your writing. It is preferable that you write about the issues in the same order as in the lecture series. Type your learning diary and write about one page about each lecture, use 1,5 spacing and letter size 12. It is best if you write the learning diary directly after the lecture and not leave it until later.

The deadline for the learning diaries is 20 March 2009 and you should hand it in printed on paper at Women?s Studies, room Pinni B3143.


Preliminary programme:

15.1. Introduction and practicalities, lecture and         assignments
22.1  Gender, Sex and Feminisms, lecture and reading seminar
29.1. Sexuality and the Body, lecture and reading seminar
5.2.   Gendered and Sexualised Violence, lecture and reading seminar
12.2. Gender, Culture and Media, lecture and reading seminar
26.2.  Men and Masculinities, lecture and reading seminar
5.3.   Gender, "Race" and Ethnicity, lecture and reading seminar

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration not required.

15-Jan-2009 – 5-Mar-2009
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

Objectives: The students are familiar with women's studies through the current debates on migrancy, ethnic minorities and gender.

Content: The seminar focuses on analysing the representations and self-representations of migrants and ethnic minorities. Migrant and minority positions will be studied in the light of postcolonial studies and theories of ethnicity and nationalism, and related issues such as multiculturalism and intersectionality.

Form of Study: The seminar consists of lectures and group-work (reading a selection of representative texts). The students are expected to produce a presentation and an essay concentrating on some specific ethnic minority or migrant group.

Timetable: Introduction 9.2., lecture 16.2., lecture 23.2., seminar 2.3,  (no course on 9.3.) seminar continues 16.3., 23.3., 30.3., 6.4., (no course on 13.4.), 20.4., 27.4. Visiting lectures to be announced later.

Registration (14 students): Please send email to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi.

The seminar is primarily meant for foreign and exchange students but Finnish students may also be admitted provided there is room in the group.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by e-mail to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi

9-Feb-2009 – 27-Apr-2009
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (16-Mar-2009 - 15-May-2009)
Basic Studies [Period IV]

Objectives: The students are familiar with women's studies through the current debates on migrancy, ethnic minorities and gender.

Content: The seminar focuses on analysing the representations and self-representations of migrants and ethnic minorities. Migrant and minority positions will be studied in the light of postcolonial studies and theories of ethnicity and nationalism, and related issues such as multiculturalism and intersectionality.

Form of Study: The seminar consists of lectures and group-work (reading a selection of representative texts). The students are expected to produce a presentation and an essay concentrating on some specific ethnic minority or migrant group.

Timetable: Introduction 9.2., lecture 16.2., lecture 23.2., seminar 2.3,  (no course on 9.3.) seminar continues 16.3., 23.3., 30.3., 6.4., (no course on 13.4.), 20.4., 27.4. Visiting lectures to be announced later.

Registration (14 students): Please send email to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi.

The seminar is primarily meant for foreign and exchange students but Finnish students may also be admitted provided there is room in the group.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration by e-mail to the teacher: eila.rantonen@uta.fi

9-Feb-2009 – 27-Apr-2009
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English