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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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Independent Institutes

The Language Centre is classified as an independent institute of the University of Tampere since 1975. It specializes in the teaching and research of Languages for Specific Purposes. Our main function is to provide teaching in the official languages of Finland (Finnish and Swedish) and in foreign languages as required in the degree programmes of the University. The Language Centre teaches both students - Finnish and foreign - and the personnel of the University, as well as people in working life.

During the academic year 2011 - 2012 we offer teaching in 9 languages: Finnish for Finns and Finnish as a foreign language, Swedish, Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. A dozen or so further languages can be studied in our self-access centre.

The teaching for students of the university is either a compulsory part of their degree programmes or then an optional extra. During their studies students take at least three or four compulsory language courses intended to provide them with the language skills they need for their studies, and also later in working life. The compulsory courses are designed according to the wishes of the faculties and departments and teach the language of the special field of the students. They include tuition in writing skills, discussion skills, specialist terminology and current affairs of a culture and area in question.

International exchange programmes are bringing ever greater numbers of foreign students to Tampere. The Language Centre has a variety of courses to provide them with the Finnish language skills they need, ranging through the survival and follow-up courses to intensive advanced courses.

Tampere University Language Centre offers some Intercultural Communication courses designed to complement language and communication skills courses, and thereby increase intercultural communication competence. The aim is to increase students' knowledge and awareness of culture, its influence on communication and their awareness of themselves as cultural beings. The program is open to students of all faculties. The courses are taught mainly in English to encourage the participation of international students and promote interaction between them and Finnish students.

More information available at: http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kielikeskus/in_english.html.

Independent Institutes