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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
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Faculty of Education

ATALPA Building
Visiting address:
Ratapihankatu 55

Head of Study Affairs:
Ms Arja Tahvola
Room 107
Tel.+358-3-3551 6295
E-mail: arja.tahvola(at)uta.fi

Faculty of Education in Brief

The Faculty of Education has, since its founding in 1974, been carrying out research and giving training in the field of education and lifelong learning.

The Faculty consists of the Department of Education, the Department of Teacher Education and two Teacher Training Schools in the towns of Tampere and Hämeenlinna. The Department of Teacher Education provides Class Teacher Education and Kindergarten Teacher Education as well as pedagogical studies for prospective subject teachers. Tampereen normaalikoulu, the Tampere Teacher Training School, includes the higher stage comprehensive school and the upper secondary school; Hämeenlinnan normaalikoulu, the Hämeenlinna Teacher Training School, includes the lower stage comprehensive school.

Working in connection with the Department of Education is the Research Centre for Vocational Education. This is headed by a professor specialised in vocational education. It provides further education at university level for those pursuing studies in the field. Key research areas are currently Professional Growth and Development, Self-Directed and Transformative Adult Learning and also Motivation and Learning Strategies.

There are about 1,700 students in the Faculty, of which some 1,100 are studying for basic degrees and some 300 for postgraduate degrees.

The Mission of the Faculty

The mission of the Faculty is to carry out research into lifelong learning and education within the context of social change and working life. On the basis of this research, the faculty aims to offer academic teaching of the highest quality.

The basic degrees in education provide competence and expertise for a wide range of work in the field of education and schooling. Along with internationalization, multiculturalism, information technology and new forms of education (e.g. distance education), there will also be new kinds of professional tasks. The future will see a shift in the significance of study as responsibility for professional development falls increasingly to imployees themselves. A solid basic education is essential in laying the foundation for professional skills.

Degree Programmes in Education

The Faculty of Education offers the first and second degrees of Bachelor of Education and Master of Education, and also the postgraduate degrees of Licentiate of Education, and Doctor of Education/Philosophy. The two major subjects at the Faculty are Education and Adult Education.

The Bachelor´s degree consists of basic and intermediate studies in the major subject, including a Bachelor´s thesis, and of minor subject studies. In addition the degree includes interdisciplinary, general and language studies. The full extent of the first degree of the Bachelor of Education is 180 ECTS. Completion of the degree requires approximately three years of full-time study.

The Master´s degree (120 ECTS) takes two years after the Bachelor´s degree. The degree programme consists of advanced studies in the major subject and of minor subject studies. Advanced studies require students to carry out independent scientific research, culminating in the writing of a Master´s thesis.

Minor subjects can be chosen relatively freely from among the courses offered by other faculties, other Finnish universities or from institutes abroad.