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Archived Curricula Guide 2013–2015
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School of Medicine

A special strength – teaching

The School has been characterized by an unprejudiced attitude to the implementation of teaching in medicine ever since its inception.  As soon as operations started up, the School developed a functioning health centre teaching system.  Some of the basic studies in medicine are implemented in a decentralized manner at the central hospital located in the town of Seinäjoki and in health centres in the province of Southern Ostrobothnia.

In 1994, as the first in Finland to do so, the School introduced problem-based learning (PBL) as its method of teaching.  At the same time the curriculum was reformed based on a complete integration of clinical and theoretical and clinical-theoretical fields of study.  The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council has three times proclaimed the School to be a centre of excellence in Finland.

Strength in research – co-operation

The fields of medical science have come together in one School of Medicine.  This model provides excellent support not only for teaching but also for research.  Research projects between different fields are typical.  Research co-operation with other medical schools at home and abroad is active and numerous studies form part of more extensive international projects.

The teaching and research hospital of the School of Medicine is Tampere University Hospital, which enjoys an established position as the second biggest centre for medical care in Finland with a catchment area of 1.2 million.

Medical specialists and Ph.Ds

Scientific postgraduate education at the School of Medicine is active.  The annual number of Ph.Ds in medicine corresponds well with the country average for medical schools.

In professional further continuing education the School of Medicine is responsible for 49 programmes leading to the qualification of medical specialist.

Students – included in co-operation

The medical students’ own association has right from the outset engaged in productive co-operation with the School.  Students have exerted significant influence on the content of studies and in the further development of study conditions.

The location of the School of Medicine on Kauppi Campus

The B Building mostly houses teaching of preclinical subjects.  It also accommodates the laboratory for clinical skills and some of the offices of the School.  There are also laboratory facilities and cell culture and testing laboratory promises.

The Arvo Building houses the School administration and mostly group work rooms and lecture theatres, also the offices of professors of clinical subjects and other teaching personnel.  The Arvo Building is adjacent to the B Building.

Some of the functions of the School are located in the Finn-Medi 3 Building.  These include virology, pathology, the Vaccine Research Center, paediatric diseases and research, also the research facilities for clinical subjects.  The M building of Tampere University Hospital houses the offices of the professors of anaesthesiology, surgery, otorhinolaryngology and gynaecology and obstetrics.  Microbiology is located in the Finn-Medi 1 Building.

A and B Buildings houses the Juvenes restaurant, which serves all customers in the area.

School of Medicine