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Archived Curricula Guide 2017–2019
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Master's Degree Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research VANHA

Learning outcomes

- the student gains interdisciplinary understanding of short and long term consequences of conflicts.
- the student learns to understand the preconditions for conflict transformation, conflict resolution and peace in local as well as in international and global contexts.
- the student learns to analyze the evolution of the conflicts and conflict resolution and gains knowledge of peacebuilding, mediation and negotiation.


The programme offers an interdisciplinary approach to peace and conflict which is based on the high-quality research carried out in Tampere Peace Research Institute. It also draws from close contacts with practitioners in the fields of conflict resolution, civil crisis management and peace mediation. The aim of the programme is to facilitate the understanding of the complex nature of wars and conflicts as well as their short and long-term consequences. During the programme students will learn about precondition for conflict resolution and sustainable peace in local as well as international and global contexts. Special emphasis is given to various phases and means of peaceful conflict transformation and resolution, particularly to peacebuilding, mediation and dialogue. Hence the programme focuses not only on the study of conflict, but primarily on its transformation and resolution.

The programme prepares students for postgraduate studies, independent research work as well as for professional activity at various tasks in the society, ranging from interpersonal relationships to international conflict situations. There is a growing need for experts in various tasks of conflict resolution, mediation and crisis management both in the service of governments and in different international organizations. The need for experts in these areas is constantly increasing.

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Master's Degree Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research VANHA

General Studies 20 ECTS
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
PEACEGS2 Language Studies 3 ECTS
Language studies in the Master's degree programme are different depending on the student's educational background. Elementary Finnish course is strongly recommended for students who have not studied Finnish before. Students who have completed basic school education in Finnish can take other language studies from the Language Centre.
KKSU1 Elementary Course 1, 3 ECTS
Studies on Global Society 20 ECTS
All students must complete Studies from the Global Society Framework (10 ECTS). Students with some other specialization than Peace and Conflict Research must complete Specialization specific studies 10 ECTS. In addition, students can complete internship (5-10 ECTS) and/or other relevant courses within UTA.
Advanced Studies 80 ECTS
Studies in Peace and Conflict Research 20 ECTS
Students must complete 20 ECTS of this study module. This study module consists of variety of courses on cutting edge research topics in the field of peace and conflict research. The courses can be selected from a course list published every year (including the courses below).
Faculty of Social Sciences