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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Master's Degree Programme in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE)

Learning outcomes

Graduates of MARIHE will:
- have a sound understanding of the new contexts relevant to research and innovation in higher education (system knowledge combined with global and regional contexts)
- have a sound understanding of the relation between change processes and how these link to education systems and labour markets in general.
- understand the specialties of scientific institutions and how to adapt marketization and deregulation instruments to the needs and the culture of the institutions. They are competent in policy analysis and evaluation.
- have developed skills to link system change with institutional change and implementation of change in different contexts
- demonstrate the ability to analyse critically the relevant literature and to use it as a tool of analysis
- demonstrate also the ability to use research and research management skills and analytical methodologies appropriately and have the potential to move to doctoral studies
- develop management skills to deal with the changing environment inside HE and research institutions
- have the ability to apply management instruments in an adequate way regarding the knowledge triangle.
- demonstrate the ability to think and plan strategically, especially in relation to problem-solving as well as the ability to integrate knowledge, handle complexity, formulate judgements and communicate them to a wider audience
- show the ability to operate with stakeholders of research and innovation, in particular, business companies.


The curriculum of MARIHE reflects on three perspectives on the change logics involved in the worldwide developments in higher education (HE) and in higher education institutions (HEIs):

- the perspective on Systems in Transition, focussing on general developments and on globalization and regionalization (Europe, Africa, Americas, Asia) in HE
- the perspective on System-Institution-Interaction (e.g. funding of research and innovation)
- the perspective on Institutional Change (e.g. “change management”).

Furthermore, modules on Theoretical Background introduce fundamental issues of HE management. Another emphasis is given to Transferable Skills (e.g. research methods, presentation skills, languages).

Preceding studies

Minumum amount of preceding studies

180 ECTS.

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School of Management