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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Doctoral Programme in Philosophy

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Doctoral Programme in Philosophy

Joint doctoral studies 20–30 ECTS
The module is completed according to the personal study plan.Learn more:http://www.uta.fi/yky/en/doctoralstudies/curricula/philosophy.html
TAYJ12 Research Ethics, 1–10 ECTS
YKYYJ YKY Seminar,
2.Broad and profound knowledge of the student’s own discipline and research subject 30–40 ECTS
The module is completed according to the personal study plan.Learn more:http://www.uta.fi/yky/en/doctoralstudies/curricula/philosophy.html
The module is completed according to the personal study plan.Learn more:http://www.uta.fi/yky/en/doctoralstudies/curricula/philosophy.html
DPPHIL Dissertation, 180 ECTS
School of Social Sciences and Humanities