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Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics

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Bachelor's Programme in Logopedics

School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B.A.
Optional Courses
Basic Studies in Logopedics 25 ECTS
LOGP1 Introduction to logopedics, 5 ECTS (1.aut)
LOGP2 Speech, language and communication development, 10 ECTS (1.aut / 1.spr)
LOGP3 Clinical studies I, 5 ECTS (1.spr)
LOGP4 Research methods I, 5 ECTS (1.spr)
Intermediate Studies in Logopedics 70 ECTS
Diagnostics and rehabilitation 35 ECTS
LOGA1 Disorders of speech and language in children, 13 ECTS (2.aut / 2.spr / 3.spr)
LOGA2 Disorders of speech and language in adults, 10 ECTS (2.spr / 3.aut)
LOGA3 Voice disorders, 5 ECTS (3.aut / 3.spr)
LOGA4 Eating and swallowing disorders, 4 ECTS (3.aut)
LOGA5 Alternating topics, 3 ECTS
Clinical studies II 20 ECTS
LOGA7 First therapy contact, 3 ECTS (2.aut / 2.spr)
LOGA10 Therapy of voice disorders, 4 ECTS (3.spr)
Research methods II 15 ECTS
LOGA11 Methods of clinical assesmment and testing, 5 ECTS (2.aut / 2.spr)
LOGA12 Reasearch practicum and seminar, 4 ECTS (3.aut / 3.spr)
LOGA13 Bachelor of Arts thesis, 6 ECTS
School of Social Sciences and Humanities