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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
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Master's Degree Programme in Software Development

Learning outcomes

After completing the Master's Degree Programme in Software Development the student has skills and knowledge needed to produce high-quality software in demanding and comprehensive software projects, acting in different roles. The skills and knowledge come from different areas of software development: requirements management, software modeling and specification, implementation and testing software, and software project management. Also, the student is capable of undertaking doctoral studies in the area of software development.


Master of Science Degree (120 ECTS):
- Advanced courses 40 ECTS
- Master's thesis 40 ECTS
- Other courses 40 ECTS, including:
-- Orientation course and Guided planning of studies 2 ECTS.
-- Language studies for Finnish/UTA/International students


Bachelor's degree in a suitable field or equivalent studies, and a good knowledge of English.

The students BSc studies need to include the following studies, and if not, they need to be studied and can be included in the "Optional studies" category:
- Mathematics, 20 ECTS or equivalent.
- TIETA6 Data structures
- TIETA7 Data base programming
Normal computer science or software engineering BSc degree includes these studies.

TIEA4 Project Work or SISYA200 Innovation Project course is compulsory, if the student has not done it at the School of Information Sciences, University of Tampere.

Further information

Finnish speaking students can use Finnish in some exams and write the Master's Thesis in Finnish.

Instructions for Finnish students who have started studies before 2012: http://www.uta.fi/sis/tie/ennen_2012_aloittaneille/index.html

Studies started before 2012, instructions in English: http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/studies/Studies_started_before_2012.html.

Transition regulations for students who have started their studies during 2012-2013 or before: http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/studies/Studies_started_before_2012.html.

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Master's Degree Programme in Software Development

General Studies in Master's Degree Programmes given in English 2015-2018 1–22 ECTS
One element from below
General studies in the Master's degree programmes given in English are different depending on the student's educational background. Please choose below only one of the three options A, B or C.
B) General studies for students with education in Finnish and BSc degree taken outside SIS 9–18 ECTS
Compulsory studies 9–13 ECTS
9–13 ECTS
Swedish course is required only if no Swedish studies were taken in the Bachelor's degree.
Free-choice studies 0–5 ECTS
0–5 ECTS
C) General studies for students who have taken their BSc degree at SIS 1–11 ECTS
Compulsory studies 1 ECTS
Basics of Information Literacy 1 ECTS is not required, only Personal study planning 1 ECTS from SISYY005.
Free-choice studies 0–10 ECTS
0–10 ECTS
Scientific Writing is recommended if the Master's thesis is written in English.
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
Advanced Studies in Software Development 80– ECTS
Most of the compulsory courses are given every academic year, but the optional ones not necessarily.
Compulsory Advanced Courses in Software Development 40– ECTS
TIETS17 Requirements Engineering, 5 ECTS
Optional Course Unit in Software Development 5– ECTS
The optional course unit in advanced studies in computer science can be seleced from the list below:
Master's Thesis 40 ECTS
TIETS37 M.Sc. Thesis, 40 ECTS
Optional and Other Studies in Software Development Programme 18–39 ECTS
Complementing and free choice studies according to the students background. Some of these studies are not required from students with B.Sc. degree in University of Tampere, see detailed instructions.
Complementing Studies in Software Development Programme
Project Work or Innovation Project is compulsory if it has not been taken in University of Tampere.
TIEA4 Project Work, 5–10 ECTS
SISYA200 Innovation Project, 5–10 ECTS
TIEA0 Internship, 2–10 ECTS
School of Information Sciences