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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Bachelor's Programme in Politics

Learning outcomes

On completion of the Degree Programme in Politics, students will be capable of posing political questions concerning the world and of perceiving themselves as those who build and change it. The students will be capable of critically assessing changing fields of societal action and tasks and or analysing the objective of various actors. The students will be able to collect and analyse extensive amounts of information, of producing and applying scientific and practical knowledge orally and in writing, independently and in collaboration with others.


The Degree Programme in Politics imparts academic capabilities and theoretically and methodologically innovative perspectives for the analysis of the complex and changing phenomena in politics. The programme conceives of politics as an extensive phenomenon. It covers various levels, from the regional and national to the European and more international level. It finds politics even outside the conventional sector in all social life and action. In addition to a scientific consistency in the research approach the programme encourages critical thinking and contemplation of the purpose and objectives of political action.

In the Degree Programme in Politics students first take the Bachelor's degree on a broad-based Bachelor's programme. In Master's studies the degree programme splits into studies in Political Science and in International Relations. Students will take the direction of their choice according to choices made during Bachelor's studies.

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Bachelor's Programme in Politics

General Studies 35 ECTS
Study Skills 5 ECTS
JKKYORP1 Orientation Studies, 2 ECTS
Faculty of Management, B.Soc.Sc. & B.Sc. (Admin.), language studies 15 ECTS
Optional Courses 2–4 ECTS
One element from below
Optional French Courses
0–1 elements from below
Optional Swedish Courses
0–1 elements from below
Optional German Courses
0–1 elements from below
KKSAVAL0 Topical Texts in German, 4 ECTS
KKSAVAL2 Communicative Training I, 2 ECTS
KKSAVAL3 Communicative Training II, 2 ECTS
KKSAVAL4 Advanced Course in German, 2 ECTS
Optional Russian Courses
0–1 elements from below
Intermediate Studies in Politics 40– ECTS
POLKAA99 Bachelor's Thesis Seminar, 10 ECTS
Faculty of Management