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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Doctoral Program of the Faculty of Management

Learning outcomes

Scientific postgraduate education refers to education aiming at a scientific postgraduate research degree. In accordance with the Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004), the aim of postgraduate education is that the student becomes thoroughly acquainted with his or her field of research and gains the knowledge and skills needed to independently produce new scientific knowledge. Research degrees are aimed at students interested in further study and the possibility of a career in research. They provide students the opportunity to take part in the scientific community, develop the knowledge and skills needed in conducting research and to receive supervision for the student's own research. On the student's part postgraduate education requires active involvement and enthusiasm for research. Resources for counselling and guidance are primarily directed at students who are actively involved and show initiative.

Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Management mainly aim at a doctoral degree in Administrative Sciences, Economics and Business Administration or Social Sciences, but it is also possible to complete a licentiate degree in Administrative Sciences, Economics and Business Administration or Social Sciences, for example as an intermediate step toward completing a doctorate.
In special circumstances it is also possible to complete the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Management. Scientific postgraduate education will in most cases require the prior completion of a higher (Master?s level) university degree. A requirement for admission is that the School deems the student?s basic university degree or other equivalent degree an adequate basis for pursuing postgraduate studies.

Those successfully completing a research degree are ideally equipped for academic research or teaching positions as well as demanding expert roles and research positions in industry, business or public administration. Demand for experts with a doctoral degree is on the rise particularly in the fields of economics, administrative sciences and political science.

The objectives of postgraduate education are that the student:
1) becomes thoroughly acquainted with his or her own field of research and its social significance, gains the knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific research methods independently and critically and to produce new scientific knowledge within his/her field of research;

2) becomes acquainted with the development, basic problems and research methods of his/her field of research;

3) gains such knowledge of the general theory of science and of other disciplines relating to his/her own field of research as enables him/her to follow developments in them.
To be awarded a doctorate, the student given the right to pursue postgraduate studies must:
1) complete the required postgraduate studies;
2) demonstrate independent critical thinking in the field of research; and
3) write a doctoral dissertation and defend it in public.
A doctoral dissertation may also consist of peer-reviewed scholarly publications or manuscripts accepted for publication that form an integrated entity, are deemed sufficient by the university and are supplemented with a summarizing report. Co-authored publications may be included if the authors independent contribution to them can be demonstrated.


Postgraduate studies comprise a minimum of 60 credits in 1) studies orientating to research, 2) methodological studies, 3) content studies / studies supporting the development of the postgraduate student's scientific professionalism and 4) postgraduate seminars/research seminars. For doctoral degrees a doctoral dissertation which is to be publicly defended is required. For licentiates degrees a licentiate's thesis is required.


Generally applicants will be required to have grade of at least magna cum laude approbatur /good for the master's thesis, in addition to which they are required to have achieved at least a grade of good in the subject of the postgraduate degree or in a subject deemed equivalent to the major subject.

Preceding studies

Additional information on preceding studies

Under the legislation (558/2009) §37 amending the Universities Act a person is eligible for studies leading to a scientific postgraduate degree if s/he has taken the appropriate higher university degree, education abroad which in the country concerned would confer eligibility for equivalent university studies or which the university otherwise determines to be sufficient knowledge and capabilities for studies.Those who have completed a higher university degree in economic or administrative sciences, social sciences or other appropriate higher university degree.

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Doctoral Program of the Faculty of Management

Doctor of Social Sciences 240 ECTS
DPJKKPB Methodological Studies 15 ECTS
DPJKKPC Content studies 30 ECTS
DPJKKP40 Content Studies, 1–30 ECTS
DPJKKPL The licentiate’s thesis 90 ECTS
DPJKKPL The licentiate's thesis, 90 ECTS
DPJKKPV Dissertation 180 ECTS
DPJKKPV Dissertation, 180 ECTS
Faculty of Management