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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
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Bachelor's Programme in English Language, Literature and Translation

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

A graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree
• will be able to engage in active interaction in their working life
• will be familiar with the basics of their degree programme's discipline and will be able to follow the development of their field
• will know the principles of scientific reasoning and working methods
• will understand the basic principles of ethics in science and research
• will be able to write scientific texts in such a manner that they will cite or refer to the work of others according to the established conventions of the discipline
• will be able to acquire scientific information, assess it critically, and apply it to solving scientific questions in their own field
• will be able to use Finnish and Swedish on a level that is required from all personnel of bilingual State authorities according to section 6 subsection 1 in the Finnish Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003), and on a level that is required within their field
• will be able to use at least one foreign language on a level that enables them to follow the development of their field and function in an international environment
• will be able to utilise information technology on
the basic level required in working life.

A graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree who has successfully completed the Bachelor's Programme in English Language, Literature, and Translation will have the following skills and knowledge related to their own field of study:

Communication skills

The student will be able to
• communicate in various communicative situations that require a command of English
• read critically and analyse different types of English texts (such as scientific texts, literary texts, and factual prose)
• produce fluent writing in English
• argue systematically as well as analyse the arguments of others.

Subject-specific skills

The student will be able to
• master the basic concepts within their field of study and analyse both spoken and written language using these concepts
• communicate on topics related to their field and present well-grounded arguments
• actively and independently apply the acquired knowledge in order to produce academic and professional texts in both spoken and written form
• compare their own culture with the cultures of English-speaking countries
• explain and use the central concepts within their chosen field of specialisation and study path
• independently produce a thesis related to their discipline.

In addition, a graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree who has successfully completed the English Translation and Interpreting study path, including Basics of Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies and Finnish for Translators I, will possess the following communication and subject-specific skills:
• They will know the basic principles of professional, multilingual translation and interpreting.
• They will be able to translate standard language texts from English into Finnish and simple standard language texts from Finnish into English in a professional manner.
• They will be able to interpret short speech turns in everyday situations from English into Finnish and vice versa.
• They will know the basic principles of terminology and be able to use them when translating.
• They will be able to justify what type of Finnish language use is effective and appropriate in various situations.


The Bachelor's Programme in English Language, Literature, and Translation (180 ECTS) consists of Basic Studies (30 ECTS), Intermediate Studies (45 ECTS), Common Core Studies (5 ECTS), General Studies (9–12 ECTS), and Optional Studies (88–91 ECTS). Upon successful completion of the Bachelor's studies, the student will have wide-ranging basic skills for numerous expert positions.

At the beginning of Basic Studies, the course units are common to all students in the degree programme. Once these course units have been completed, the student can choose between the following two study paths: English Language and Literature or English Translation and Interpreting. During the basic studies, the student can choose either one of the study paths or they can freely combine course units from both of them.

The studies in English language and literature explore the structure, usage, variation, and the learning of the English language. In addition, the student will familiarise themselves with English literary genres, literature of various eras and countries, and cultural texts. The studies in English translation and interpreting include translation studies, translating, and studies in language and culture, thus introducing students to the professional translation of marketing texts, EU documents, manuals, and literature.

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor's studies in English Language, Literature and Translation, the student will be able to continue to the Master's studies in English Language and Literature or to the Master's studies in Multilingual Communication and Translation. However, in order to continue to the Master's studies, the student must have completed the corresponding study path in their Intermediate Studies.

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Bachelor's Programme in English Language, Literature and Translation

Faculty of Communication Sciences