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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2015–2017
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Master's Degree Programme in Teacher Education


Teachers and experts who have completed the Master’s Degree Programme in Teacher Education will
• have an extensive understanding of societal and global conditions for learning and education
• be thoroughly aware of their importance as educators, i.e. individuals with pedagogical power and influence in society
• be capable of making well-grounded ethical choices in their professional roles
• be capable of presenting valid arguments in discussion of education and educational policy and defending educational values
• be able to develop their work on the basis of research in multicultural environments.


The studies impart the competencies to grow into critically aware individuals who have wide perspectives into the world and who understand the mission of education. Graduates are also able to practice as teachers, mentors, and organisers of learning, who together with others are able to develop innovative educational practices, curricula and schools for a better future for our children and youth.

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The Master's Programme will start in autumn 2016.

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