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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Master's Degree Programme in Media Management 2013-15

Learning outcomes

The Master’s Degree Programme in Media Management will conform to the requirements for level 7 of European Qualification Framework. The knowledge acquired will be specialist in nature and will further develop UTA’s historic leadership in this field not only in Finland (since the 1970s), but more broadly in the international development of the field.

Students graduating with a degree in this programme will:
•Conduct research projects at professional standards in the field
•Develop analytical and problem-solving skills
•Demonstrate a sound knowledge of respective and integrated attributes of media
•Be able to participate and lead teams
•Be competent to situate and explain media in complex and varying environmental conditions, i.e. in historical, social, cultural and economic terms
•Manage essential practices and processes of media content production
•Think critically to develop fresh insight and build knowledge
•Respect the crucial importance of professional media ethics in the face of many and often significant pressures to engage in questionable practices
•Establish competence to continue studies for a Ph.D.

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Master's Degree Programme in Media Management 2013-15

General Studies 5 ECTS
MEJOOR Orientation, 2 ECTS
KKENMP3A Writing Clinic, 3 ECTS
Free choice studies 5 ECTS
The student and their advisor consult in choosing the elective coursework. Students can select elective coursework offered by other Schools inside the UTA organisation, but it is also possible to take an elective offered by another university in Finland. Students need to take a minimum of 5 ECTS of elective courses, but can also take more.
School of Communication, Media and Theatre