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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2008–2010
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MGE - European Master in Public Economics and Public Finance

Further information

The MGE - programme (the abbreviation MGE comes from the latin words Magister Europensis) is organised jointly with the University of Rennes 1 (France) and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Being based on advanced economic theory and methods, the programme facilitates profound specialization in issues under the label Public Economics and Public Finance. The complementing expertises of the partner universities yield a common resource to the mobile students thus enabling both theoretical and practical orientations to the label issues.

The students apply to and get registered in the programme in one of the partner universities (the home university), which entitles them to take courses of the programme in the other partner universities (the host universities). The students are screened and selected according to jointly confirmed criteria in two stages: (1) by records indicating bachelor’s degree or equivalent studies in economics, and (2) by personal interview. Applicants from the home universities are preferred during the start-up of the programme. The mobility of the students is organised via the ERASMUS exchange.

Teaching in the programme is given in the national languages of the partner universities (French, German, Finnish) and in English. The language of administrative cooperation is English. More information about the programme is available at the programme’s website mge-pepf.eu.

The main elements of the programme are uniform in all the partner universities, but there may be local differences in the details. Therefore, the studies are organised according to the specifications of the home university. In the University of Tampere, the programme consists of 120 ECTS credits of studies.

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MGE - European Master in Public Economics and Public Finance

I Economic Theory and Methods 30 ECTS
KTALS120 Microeconomic Theory, 6 ECTS
KTALS130 Macroeconomic Theory, 6 ECTS
KTALS140 Advanced Econometrics, 6 ECTS
KTALS301 Master's Seminar, 6 ECTS
III The Master's Thesis 30 ECTS
KTALS302 Master's Thesis, 36 ECTS
Department of Economics and Accounting