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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Master's Programme in Russian and European Studies

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the progamme, the student

• possesses in-depth knowledge in her/his own area of specialization in Russian and European studies (politics/international relations, society, culture and language)

• is able to ask relevant and up to date questions in her/his area of specialization in Russian and European studies and has developed a structured idea of responding to them, as well as working in and influencing that context

• can give fluent presentations in her/his area of specialization in Russian and European studies, compile material and analyse it independently and critically, can operate in a group, and can argue and report on the basis of systematic research

• has the substantial, linguistic and cultural prerequisites for further work in matters relating to Russia and/or Europe


The Master's Programme in Russian and European Studies (RES) offers an interdisciplinary learning environment for students interested in questions of Russian and European politics/international relations, society, culture and language. The programme builds on the idea of ‘wider Europe’ of which Russia is taken as an integral part. The programme emphasizes both conceptual and practical knowledge of Russian and European studies and the related methodologies, with an eye on professional work in the fields of Russian politics, society, culture and language. Depending on specialization, the modes of study can include study trips and exchange studies in Russian and various other European universities; practical training; intensive study weeks in Tampere and Russia together with students of partner universities (International Relations students, organized as part of the Finnish-Russian Cross-Border University CBU); in addition to lectures, seminars, symposia and workshops, as well as independent studies.

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Master's Programme in Russian and European Studies

General Studies 15–17 ECTS
All courses are obligatory. Students of Russian Language and Culture take only the first part of the Scientific Writing course (Writing Clinic, 3 ECTS), while students of International Relations and Sociology take both parts (5 ECTS).
RESO Orientation, 2 ECTS
KKSU1 Elementary Course 1, 3 ECTS
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
KKENMP3A Writing Clinic, 3 ECTS
RES1 Research methods I, 5 ECTS
Advanced Studies 85 ECTS
Optional RES modules 20 ECTS
One element from below
Sociology 20 ECTS
Students majoring in sociology take the course "Russian class structure and society". In addition they may take other suitable courses offered by Sociology after confirming this with their supervisor. They may also choose at least 5 ECTS offered in the programme by International relations or Russian language and culture.
Russian Language and Culture 20 ECTS
All four courses are obligatory for students of Russian Language and Culture.
Free choice studies
Students of Russian Language and Culture: a minimum of 20 ECTS. Students of International Relations and Sociology: a minumum of 18 ECTS.
RES16 Russian Politics, 5 ECTS
VENS7 Verbal Aspect Theory, 5 ECTS
VENS9 Lexicology, 5 ECTS
VENS10 Media Discourse, 5 ECTS
VENS11 Sociolinguistics, 5 ECTS
VENS12 Multimodality, 5 ECTS
RES20 Internship, 5 ECTS
School of Management