My doctoral dissertation focuses on changes in political journalism in Finland in the 2010s. The era is marked by many transformations in politics and journalism. How are the changes reflected in political journalism and political journalists?
In the history of Finnish journalism, political journalism and political journalists have long enjoyed a stable and respected position. In the 2010s, however, this position has been under multiple pressure to change.
For a long time, the relationship between political journalists and politicians was considered matter-of-factly professional. In the 2010s, however, the rise of populism, the Finns Party, and social media have increased tensions between journalists and politicians. Changes in politics, such as internationalisation and new ways of understanding politics, have added to the mix.
Journalism has also undergone a major transformation in the 2010s. Among other things, the financial problems of journalism, the rise of online news and social media, and increasing opportunities and pressures at work have changed the everyday lives of journalists. With the changes, the special position of political journalists in newsrooms has also been challenged.
In my doctoral dissertation, I aim to investigate the effects of these changes on political journalism and journalists from different perspectives.
The goal of my study is to find out how changes in the operating environment have affected the professional values, self-understanding, practical work, and output of political journalists.
My dissertation provides information on the development of political journalism in Finland, which can be used as a basis for discussions about the future direction of political journalism. In a broader perspective, the study also provides tools for reflection on the relationship between journalism and democracy.
Funding source
My research has been supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and the C. V. Åkerlund Media Foundation.