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Strengthening Nutrition Education and Research Capacity in Universities in Nepal (NERC) 

Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2024–31.8.2026
Area of focusHealth


Despite significant effort and reduction in childhood undernutrition, malnutrition is still a public health problem in Nepal. The transition through double burden of malnutrition and increase in the incidence of diet related non-communicable diseases has been a challenge in recent times. A valid database on dietary intake of the population would be a good start to develop targeted and effective nutrition policies and programs to the vulnerable groups. Likewise, our partner university in Nepal has expressed its need for evidence-based nutrition education and a renewal in their education related to food security, overweight and the sustainability of food systems. 


NERC project aims to improve the capacity for nutrition education and research in Nepalese universities in an inclusive and working-life-relevant way by: 

1) Building a new valid electronic Nepalese dietary database that can be used together with suitable dietary software for calculating the dietary intakes of people in Nepal 

 2) Strengthening the skills of nutrition teachers, students and working dietitians/nutritionists to collect more valid data on food consumption and dietary intake of people in Nepal, and to analyse the data using the new dietary database and dietary software 

 3) Renewing teaching contents and methods on courses related to food security and the sustainability of food systems.  


We believe that our project will improve the quality of nutrition education and nutrition research capacity in universities in Nepal. As a result, universities in Nepal contribute to sustainable development, food security and healthy nutrition by providing high-quality, inclusive and working-life-relevant nutrition education and improved infrastructure for nutrition research in Nepal. 

Funding source

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, HEP programme 2023-2026

The Higher Education Partnership (HEP) Programme supports cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Finland and the developing world. The projects support the higher education institutions as they develop their subject-specific, methodological, educational and administrative capacity. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and administered by the Finnish National Agency for Education.

Coordinating organisation

Tampere University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Unit of Health Sciences


Tribhuvan University (TU) 

Tribhuvan University, established in 1959, is the oldest and the largest university in Nepal.  The university has five technical institutes and four general faculties. Two central departments are involved as partners in the NERC project. 

Central Department of Public Health (CDPH) 

The public health degree programs started at Maharajgunj Medical Campus at Tribhuvan University in 1986. The CDPH was established in 2018 and it is now an autonomous body of public health education under the patronage of TU. It currently hosts about 225 students in bachelors, master’s and doctoral level education programmes in public health, health promotion and education, and public health nutrition. 

Central Department of Home Sciences (CDHS) 

The Central Department of Home Sciences was established in 1986. It offers master’s degree programmes and doctoral programmes in Home Science with specialization options in Food and Nutrition, and in Child Development and Gender Socialization. It also offers post graduate courses in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition and Women Studies.