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Course unit, curriculum year 2021–2022

Applying Discourse Analysis to Contemporary Russian Society and Culture: Methodology and Case Studies, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Advanced studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Tatiana Romashko
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences 100 %

This course has two learning aims. First, it introduces and evaluates a variety of approaches to a discourse theory and its methodological steps when applying to an analysis of social norms, practices and attitudes in today’s Russia. In particular, the course clarifies key concepts of post-structuralism such as hegemony, discourse, subject position, the logic of equivalence and difference. By probing their value for ideological critique, the course explores the practicality of these analytical categories in relation to selected case studies in the sphere of branding, advertisement, fashion, public movements and on-line firestorms.

Second, the course suggests a useful set of analytical tools for examining a changing political and cultural situation in Russia, especially focusing on such phenomena as the rise of neo-conservatism, nationalism, populism, and widespread acceleration of social antagonisms over such sensitive issues as religion, gender, morality and values. For this purpose, together with students, we will explore the efficiency of this analytical framework through various case studies. In doing so, students will examine the current trends of cultural production in Russia that might be split into two general tendencies of 1) state-approved/ state-sanctioned/ official and 2) counter-/ subversive/ oppositional cultural phenomena. Potential topics of case studies for seminars and workshops outlined but not limited to:

1. Social antagonism over high-brow/classical/traditional and low-brow/popular/modern culture, e.g., the case study of the public attitude towards controversial films (Leviathan, 2014; Matilda, 2017; The Death of Stalin, 2017); provocative events/performative and visual arts (e.g., Art group {rodina} ({motherland}); Pussy Riot); theatre performances/ museum expositions of modern arts (Jan Fabre's Exhibition at the Hermitage, 2016).

2. The rise of patriotism, e.g., Immortal Regiment movement/ Victory Parade/ Night Wolves biker club tours as state-approved cultural festivals; patriotic consumption in the fashion industry (together with Dr Olga Gurova).

3. The fight over the public space: city brand-building and street art in St. Petersburg. (A reflection on Russian creative industries: perspectives and obstacles).

4. Contradictions of gender identities in the Russian music industry and global branding campaigns in the national market.

Learning outcomes
Further information
Kokonaisuudet, joihin opintojakso kuuluu
Completion option 1
This course is taught only in spring term 2022.

Participation in teaching

11.03.2022 22.04.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)