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Course unit, curriculum year 2024–2025

NMR Spectroscopy, 3 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
Level of study
Advanced studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Alexander Efimov
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences 100 %
Coordinating organisation
Environmental Engineering and Chemistry Studies 100 %
Core content
  • Physical basis of NMR spectroscopy.
  • Instrumentation and principles of data acquisition and processing.
  • Experimental setup for 1H and 13C spectra by pulsed methods.
  • Interpretation of the first-order 1H and 13C spectra based on chemical shifts and coupling constants. Determination of the structure of a simple unknown compound.
  • Interpretation of APT/DEPT 13C spectra and 2D homo- and hetero-correlated spectra (H,H-COSY, H,C-HSQC, NOESY).
  • Practical skills in setup and measurement of 1H and 13C NMR-spectra. and 2D spectra
Complementary knowledge
  • Determination of relaxation times.
  • Decoupling principles, Nuclear Overhauser effect.
  • Interpretation of higher order 1H and 13C spectra and determination of the structure of more complex unknown compounds.
  • Complex 1D pulse sequences, COSY pulse sequence.
Specialist knowledge
  • Interpretation of higher order 1H and 13C spectra and determination of the structure of more complex unknown compounds.
  • Polarization transfer, INEPT and HETCOR, indirect detection experiments HSQC HMBC
Learning outcomes
Compulsory prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites
Further information
Learning material
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1
Completion of all options is required.

Participation in teaching

03.03.2025 27.04.2025
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)


No scheduled teaching