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Course unit, curriculum year 2023–2024

Introduction to Signal Processing, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 1 (1.8.2023–22.10.2023)
Active in period 2 (23.10.2023–31.12.2023)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)
Course code
Language of instruction
English, Finnish
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Basic studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Sari Peltonen
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences 100 %
Coordinating organisation
Computing Sciences Studies 100 %
Core content
  • Basics of Matlab for signal processing
  • Basics of digital signal processing: sampling theorem, discrete signals and systems, and the convolution operator.
  • Analysis of discrete signals and systems: discrete Fourier transform, FFT algorithm, z-transform, transfer function and frequency response.
  • Design of linear systems using the window desing method
  • Multirate DSP: Decimation and Interpolation
  • Fundamentals of machine learning. Applications of signal processing algorithms in pattern recognition.
  • Applications. Visiting lectures from university or the industry.
Complementary knowledge
  • Fourier transform, Fourier series and Discrete-time Fourier transform
Specialist knowledge
  • Parks-McClellan algorithm
Learning outcomes
Compulsory prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites
Learning material
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1
English implementation on 1st period and Finnish implementation on 2nd period
Completion of all options is required.


18.10.2023 18.10.2023
Active in period 1 (1.8.2023–22.10.2023)
28.11.2023 28.11.2023
Active in period 2 (23.10.2023–31.12.2023)
20.12.2023 20.12.2023
Active in period 2 (23.10.2023–31.12.2023)
15.02.2024 15.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
15.02.2024 15.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
21.03.2024 21.03.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)

Participation in teaching

29.08.2023 15.10.2023
Active in period 1 (1.8.2023–22.10.2023)
23.10.2023 10.12.2023
Active in period 2 (23.10.2023–31.12.2023)