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Course unit, curriculum year 2020–2021

Research areas in gender studies, 5–10 cr

Tampere University

Research areas in gender studies (Participation in course work), Finnish

Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
5–10 cr
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Social Sciences 100 %

Scheduled teaching

Course unit realisation

Introduction to Gender Studies, Online teaching

Online teaching (English)
28.9.2020 – 20.11.2020
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)

Application to the course happens through via Hilma website 24.8 – 15.09.2020.

There can be max 35 students in the course.

Course description: The webcourse “Introduction to Gender Studies” gives basic introductory knowledge about gender studies. The course begins with an introduction to the concept of gender and gender studies and continues with the following topics: bodies & sexuality, social construction of gender, feminist theory, masculinities, family, gender & work, and gender & politics. Each week the students will read 1–2 texts or study other materials available in the internet and discuss them in small groups in the Moodle learning environment.

Course Requirements: The course requires active weekly participation. Each student is assigned the responsibility of opening the weekly discussion in their group twice during the course, plus they are required to write 3 comments in response to others’ posts every week. Weekly participation counts for 80% of the final grade. Final essay that counts for 20%. In addition, students are required to post a self-introduction in the beginning of the course, and write a self-evaluation & complete a course evaluation in the end of the course.

Course Materials: The primary textbook for the course is Mary Holmes, Gender and Everyday Life (London & New York: Routledge, 2009). In addition, we will use a selection of reading materials. All materials will be available through Moodle.

Target Group & Prerequisites: Previous studies in gender studies are not required. The course is meant primarily for Bachelor’s (Candidate’s) students, or students in their early years of Master’s programs in the social sciences or humanities (e.g. history, sociology, anthropology, political science, cultural studies). If there are more applicants than can be accommodated, priority will be given to exchange students and students in English language Master’s programs. In addition, we seek to accept students from all member universities equally.

Course unit realisation

Grassroots-Theorizing activism, Online teaching

Online teaching (English)
12.10.2020 – 4.12.2020
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
Course unit realisation

Research areas in gender studies, Online teaching

Online teaching (English)
8.2.2021 – 16.4.2021
Active in period 3 (1.1.2021–7.3.2021)
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Course unit realisation

Research areas in gender studies, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
22.3.2021 – 24.5.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Course unit realisation

Research areas in gender studies, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
8.3.2021 – 30.4.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Course unit realisation

Childhood, Youth and Family, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
16.3.2021 – 5.8.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2021–31.7.2021)