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Study module, curriculum year 2023–2024

Intermediate Studies in Health Informatics as Free Choice Studies, At least 25 cr

Tampere University
This minor is intended particularly to the students majoring in software engineering or information management who already have programming skills before entering this minor.
The goal is to educate experts of health informatics to the growing private and public sector.
The graduates will find jobs in companies producing health information systems or in health care delivery organisations in infromation system management positions.

Contact person: Alpo Värri
  • The student obtains a general idea of the orgnaisation and the processes of health care, the variety of health information subsystems and how all the parts form the whole health information system.
  • The student is aware of the essential regulatory requirements for safety, security and privacy of health information systems.
  • The student is aware of the most important health informatics standards and is able to apply the most frequently used standards in Finland.
  • The student can list the essential requirements and practices relating to the acquisition and deployment of health information systems.
  • The student has the ability to design and implement health software using user centric design methods.
Study module code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Intermediate studies
Fields of study
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Hannu Nieminen
Responsible teacher:
Mark van Gils
Responsible teacher:
Alpo Värri
Responsible teacher:
Milla Juutinen
Further information
Kokonaisuudet, joihin opinto­kokonaisuus kuuluu
Study module code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Intermediate studies
Fields of study
Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Hannu Nieminen
Responsible teacher:
Mark van Gils
Responsible teacher:
Alpo Värri
Responsible teacher:
Milla Juutinen