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New students pursuing open UAS Path Studies

Welcome to Tampere University of Applied Sciences! We are delighted that you have chosen to study with us. These pages offer you important information that you will need as you begin your path studies and join our community. Please read the materials carefully and take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition into life at TAMK. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Congratulations on your study place!

You have received the right to study at TAMK’s Open University of Applied Sciences (UAS) for the academic year 2024-2025 and complete path studies in order to meet the eligibility criteria to apply for admission to a bachelor’s programme or a master’s programme at TAMK. This page provides you with information about all the steps you need to take to prepare for your studies at TAMK. Please follow the instructions on this page to ensure you get off to a good start with your studies. You are now on one of the pages of our online Student’s guide, which we advise you to explore further. The Student’s guide is a gateway to information that all our students need while studying at TAMK.

You can also find information on applying for a degree after path studies. Instructions can be found at the end of the page.

Good luck with your studies!

New student checklist – How to get started with your studies

You will have received an email confirming your study place and your right to study at TAMK for the academic year 2024-2025. If you are unable to start your studies, please be sure to cancel your place by clicking on the link provided in the email.

Students who are pursuing path studies at TAMK attend our regular courses. Your studies will begin with new student orientation, which you will attend alongside our degree students. Please see the programme-specific instructions to find the schedule and programme of new student orientation and other information about the start of your studies. The links to the instructions are available further down this page after the new student checklist. Please read the instructions carefully. On your first days as a student you can get an open UAS card, with which you will receive a staff discount at the restaurant Campusravita on our main campus and a 20% discount at the restaurant at Mediapolis. Get the card from TAMK's Service Point in B1-corridor or Open UAS office. The programme of our new student orientation may cover some topics that do not apply to you, but we still advise you to attend the orientation in preparation of your possible later admission to one of our degree programmes.

Before starting your studies, you must activate your TUNI user account at You will need your user account while studying at TAMK. To access the activation service, you need Finnish online banking credentials or a mobile ID. If you have problems with activating your user account, please contact our IT Helpdesk:, tel. +358 29 452 0500. Please, notice that it will take some days after you get the confirmation of acceptance that you can do the activation.

Make sure that your life situation allows you to study full-time. As you are completing path studies, you are not eligible to receive student financial aid. So make sure that you have the financial ability to complete your studies.

Please note that as you are completing path studies, you do not need to:

  • accept your study place
  • register as attending 
  • deliver copies of your degree certificates
  • pay the healthcare fee of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) 

Students completing path studies are not eligible to: 

  • receive student financial aid
  • receive a student card 
  • use the healthcare services provided by the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) 
  • receive student discounts
  • take courses offered by Tampere University as a cross-institutional student 

In addition, they are not eligible for the recognition of prior learning but can take part in skills demonstrations. 

From January 2023, path students are entitled to Sportuni's services as follows:

  • Path students who are openly attending TAMK have the right to use SportUni's sports services at the student price for the duration of their path studies (1 year after starting)
  • The TAMKO membership fee must be paid, otherwise the staff sports fee must be paid
  • The access right is uploaded to the green student card (available at TAMKO's office) at the sports center
  • HAKA IDs allow you to book shifts/courses, etc.

Programme-specific instructions

This page includes instructions that apply to specific degree programmes starting in August or September 2024. Please select your programme to read more about the start of your studies and how to prepare for the new student orientation. Pages below are meant for degree-students, but contain details important for you about the start of your studies. 

Bachelor Degrees in English

Environmental Engineering

International Business

Media and Arts


Software Engineering

Textile and Material Engineering

Master's Degrees in English

Community Work and Multicultural Development

Risk Management and Circular Economy

Open UAS contact information

If you have any questions or concerns, email us at: avoinamk [at] (avoinamk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

TAMK main campus, room B1-53 (starting August 2nd)

If you need a certificate of your studies, send an e-mail to avoinamk [at] In the case of the TE Office form TEM621, fill in your contact information in the form and send it to avoinamk [at]

At TAMK, Self-Hack is a part of the orientation week

Self-Hack is a 5-hour experience where the participants get to know not only themselves but also their fellow students. You will complete different exercises to set yourself meaningful goals that you plan to achieve in a suitable time frame. You will complete the exercises independently and then discuss and share your experiences in a small group. Each group will have a designated facilitator who will guide and support you throughout the day. To read more about Self-Hack and the Self-Hack Day, please go to TAMK’s Self-Hack website!

Watch the Self-Hack video on YouTube

Find out more about studying at Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Get to know us

We offer seven fields of study and have activities spread across the Kauppi campus, Mediapolis and the Finlayson area in Tampere as well as multiple locations in the Tampere region. Find out more about Tampere University of Applied Sciences!

TAMK at a glance

IT services

You need a username, a password and access to a computer to get started with your studies. Read our IT instructions so you know what to do next.

IT services for new students

Student tutors are here to help you

Student tutors are part of our student guidance services. They help our new students get to know each other, adjust to their new environment and student life and become familiar with their field of study during their first year.

Read more about student tutors

You can already visit the Lukkarikone system where your timetable will be published. If you do not yet know your group code, you can search for timetables, for example, based on the degree that you will be working towards at TAMK. Select Group search on the start page and type, for example, “business” as your search term, select the 2022 group (you can select multiple groups at a time), click +Add and Show calendar. The system will display the courses planned for the coming semester as well as a tentative schedule for the new student orientation. However, please read more about the schedule and programme of our new student orientation on the programme-specific pages (links above).

Useful links related to studying at TAMK and living in Finland

Applying to become a degree student after path studies

Once you have completed your path studies, you can apply to become a degree student through the open path application. The 50 credits (bachelor degrees) and 15 or 20 credits (master degrees) completed at the Open University of Applied Sciences as a path student give the opportunity to apply for degree studies. In master’s degree you have to meet the prior higher education degree and work experience requirements.

When starting Bachelor Path Studies in Autumn 2024, an open path application will be held during the first two weeks of May 2025 on the service.

In addition to the number of points completed, the study success in open UAS is considered. If there are more applicants than study places, the applicants will be ranked based on the biased average of the grades. The required number of credits must be completed by July 31, 2025 in order to be selected.

For Master's degrees, you can apply already early October 2024, if you can complete 15-20 credits by December. If not, you can apply in May 2025 (two first weeks). Please note that when applying for the YAMK/master degree, you must also meet the prior higher education degree and work experience requirements.

In Culture and Arts, student admission is based on the completed Open UAS and/or Open University studies, demonstration of substance competence, and interview. Substance competence is demonstrated with a portfolio. Students must have sufficient oral and written English language skills. Student admission is only possible if there are seats available in the study group.

If necessary, applicants will be ranked based on the following criteria:

1. Portfolio and potential interview

2. The completed studies are compatible with TAMK’s curriculum.

3. Study success at open university or open university of applied sciences

For more information on applying and selection criteria, visit TAMK's search pages and the ( service during the application period. If you have any questions, you can also send us an email to open UAS avoinamk [at] (avoinamk[at]tuni[dot]fi) or the admissions office admissions.tamk [at] (admissions[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi).

Students' Well-being

Don't fly solo, join Parvi!

Tampere Universities and TAMK are committed to supporting students’ well-being and delivering a positive student experience. Please do not hesitate to contact our support services if you have any concerns. The Students’ Well-being site offers you easy access to information about the broad range of guidance, support and health care services that are available to our students. You can also find information about learning support and free-time activities. Please note that as you are completing path studies, you are not entitled to the services provided by the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) or SportUni.

Visit the Students' Well-being site

Tamko, Tampere City and Visit Tampere - Services and tips for students

The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamko)

The student union Tamko protects the interests of students, serves as an umbrella for a range of student associations, provides services and fosters a sense of community among students at TAMK. Please note that as you are completing path studies, you are not eligible to join Tamko but are welcome to take part in the activities and attend student events.

Read more about Tamko's activities and events

Welcome to study in City of Tampere!

Executive Director (City of Tampere) Teppo Rantanen's greeting to new students: "I am so happy that you have chosen Tampere to be the place where you study. This is a great place, great city to live, to study, but also I want to invite you to stay after your studies and work here. Because this is also a great place to live for everybody in Finland."

Watch the video!

Tampere - The most attractive city in Finland according to us Finns!

Tampere has a lot to offer! The city brings together beautiful natural landscapes and a thriving cultural scene. You can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Pispala and, for example, visit the theatre in a single day!

Visit Tampere

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