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Selected publications

Publications after 2018:

Total:  6 publications


Article in  the Journal


Pasti, S.; Logunova, O. Davydov, S. (2022) Journalistic Role Performance in the Russian Press: A Post-Soviet Model for the Third Decade, 2012-2022.  Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 30(2), 211-237.



Chapters in the books


Ramaprasad, J.& Pasti, S. 2021. BRICS journalism as a new territory for localizing journalism studies. In D.K. Thussu and K. Nordenstreng (eds.) BRICS Framing a New Global Communication Order? (pp.241-261). London: Routledge.



Mellado, C.; Márquez-Ramírez, M.; Humanes, M L; Amado, A.; Mothes, C.; Silke, H.; Stepinska, A.; Szabo, G., Davydov, S.; Mick, J.; Olivera, D.; Panagiotou, N.; Pasti, S.; Raemy, P.; Roses, S.; Schielicke, A-M.; Tandoc, E. 2021. Mapping Professional Roles in News Content Across 18 Countries: A Descriptive Overview.  In C. Mellado (ed.) Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective. (pp.67-84). NY: Routledge.



Tandoc, E., Raemy, P., Pasti, S. & Panagiotou, N. 2021. Journalistic Role Performance: A News-story-level Approach. In C. Mellado (ed.) Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective. (pp.167-185). NY: Routledge.



Stepinska, A., Szabo, G., Pasti, S. and Panagiotou, N. 2021. Journalistic Role Performance. A Societal-Level Approach. in C. Mellado (Ed.) 2021, Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective. (pp.205-224).NY: Routledge.



Mellado, C.; Márquez-Ramírez, M.; Humanes, M L; Mothes, C.; Amado, A., Davydov, S.; Mick, J.; Olivera, D.; Panagiotou, N.; Pasti, S.; Raemy, P.; Roses, S.; Schielicke, A-M.; Silke, H.; Stepinska, A.; Szabo, G., Tandoc, E. 2021. Beyond Journalistic Norms: Empirical Lessons on Role Performance in the News. In C. Mellado (ed.) Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective. (pp.225-244). NY: Routledge.