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Arctic Voices - An Evening of Poetry

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiUramonkatu 9, 33240 Tampere
Tahmelan Huvila
Ajankohta21.4.2023 16.00–18.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
As the title promises, "Arctic Voices - An Evening of Poetry" is a homage to the strong practice of orature, oral literature and poetry in Arctic Indigenous Cultures.

We invite you to an evening of poetic performances and readings featuring the poets and word-warriors Taqralik Partridge (Nunavik), Timimie Märak (Sámi), Carrie Ayagaduk Ojanen (Inupiaq), Joan Naviyuk Kane (Inupiaq), Julie Edel Hardenberg (Greenland), Chandre Iqugan Szafran (Inupiaq), Vladimir Kocharyan (Sakha) and more, all gathered together in Tampere.

The event is free and open to all - a unique opportunity to experience some of the finest literary voices of the circumpolar Arctic and meet them in person!



English programme & Mediated Arctic Geographies (funded by the Academy of Finland) & Circumpolar Connections (funded by FARIA)


Prof. Johannes Riquet (johannes.riquet@tuni.fi)