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Benefits of opening data and publications

Sijainti Tampere
Hervannan kampus, päärakennus, PC110 Ulan Bator
Ajankohta16.5.2019 9.15–12.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Tutkimusdatan avaaminen ja avoin julkaiseminen tuottavat laajasti hyötyä. Ne ovat merkittävä osa tulevaisuuden tutkimusta. Tule kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan, mitä hyötyä tutkimuksen avoimuudesta voi olla sinulle.

The current debate on Open Science focuses the attention on the benefits of opening up publications, and points out the role of technologies and AI in shaping a new way of disseminating knowledge.  

With the increased digitization of research come also new possibilities to store and preserve research data. There is a growing awareness of the importance of research data and in particular the importance of sharing research data to allow reuse. Undoubtedly the availability of research data brings many new opportunities for scientists, and benefits to science. It also raises many questions: what infrastructures are necessary to reuse data in the most optimal way? How does the availability of raw data relate to articles? How can Universities support Research Data Management (RDM) practices?

In this interactive workshop we will explore how this paradigm shift affects and will affect research practice, and give real time demonstration on how to do effective RDM using Mendeley Data.


9:15 Welcome – Katja Fält and Federica Rosetta
9:20 Workshop
11:15 Research Data Support of TAU – Katja Fält
11:30 -12:00 Discussion, meet our specialists
Coffee included

The workshop is organized by Tampere University Library and Elsevier.

More information:
Katja Fält, Information Specialist, katja.falt [at] tuni.fi