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Freedom of Movement - White Privilege or Universal Human Right?

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKanslerinrinne 1, Tampere
Pinni B:n auditorio B1096
Ajankohta2.4.2019 16.15–17.45
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Tampereen yliopiston tutkijakollegiumin Speakers Series -sarjan avoin luento: tutkijatohtori Jukka Könönen, tutkijakollegium

'Of all the specific liberties which may come into our minds when we hear the word ‘freedom’, freedom of movement is historically the oldest and also the most elementary’, Hannah Arendt once wrote. In practice, freedom of movement has become a birth-right privilege of Western citizens, whereas people from the Global South, in particular, are subjected to the increasingly repressive border regime. Despite the fact that the differential allocation of mobility rights contradicts the elementary liberal principle of equal opportunities and resembles the feudal system or ‘global apartheid’, the calls for ‘open borders’ are labeled ‘utopian’. Open borders would contribute to global equality as well as economic growth and resolve the deathly impasse of the current border system. While the freedom of movement could be realizable within the border system, the main challenge concerns the migrants’ position, residence time and rights after the arrival. This lecture addresses the problems of the current border regime drawing on the contemporary debates on open borders and discusses the way forward.


Speakers Series Spring 2019

Time: Every second Tuesday, at 16.15-17.45, starting from 22 January 2019
Place: Pinni B building lecture hall B1096, Kanslerinrinne 1

16.04. No lecture

14.05. From Anti-gender Wars to Black Protests: Recent Gendered Political Mobilizations in Poland
Dr Barbara Gaweda, IASR

The Speakers Series is a series of Studia Generalia Lectures in the Study of Society organized weekly by Tampere University Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR) in cooperation with the New Social Research Programme (NSR). The lectures are given by the Research Fellows as well as the distinguished guests of the IASR and the NSR.

For the programme, please check the IASR website. Most doctoral students can also get 2 ECTS for attending a minimum of six IASR Lectures, altogether 6 ECTS at the maximum. These 2 ECTS for attending 6 lectures can be earned during two successive terms.