Prof. Leroy Hood on mm. kehittänyt automaattisen DNA-sekvensoinnin, joka teki ihmisen genomisekvenssin tuottamisesta mahdollista, ja 5 muuta instrumenttia, jotka loivat teknisen perustan modernille biologialle. Hän on myös pioneeri P4-lääketieteessä (Predictive, Preventive, Personalised, Participatory), tieteellisessä hyvinvoinnissa, systeemibiologiassa, sekä yksi Seattlessa toimivan Systeemibiologian Instituutin (ISB) perustajista.
Dr. Jennifer Lovejoy toimii translationaalisen tieteen johtajana voittoa tavoittelemattomassa organisaatiossa Phenome Health, joka keskittyy terveyden ja pitkän eliniän omiikkatutkimukseen.
Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.
9.00–10.00 (50+10) Leroy Hood, MD, PhD, CEO of Phenome Health, Chief Innovation Officer and Distinguished Professor at Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Chief Strategy Officer and Professor at Institute for Systems Biology
Radical Health: The Largest Paradigm Shift in Medicine Ever
10.00–10.45 (40+5) Jennifer Lovejoy, PhD, Chief Translational Science Officer, PhenomeHealth
Implementation of a Scientific Wellness Program: Lessons Learned
10.45–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.40 Panel discussion on paradigm shift in medicine
Chair: Dean Seppo Parkkila
Panelists: Dr. Leroy Hood, Dr. Jennifer Lovejoy, Prof. Mark van Gils, Prof. Heikki Hyöty, assistant Prof. Anna-Leena Vuorinen, Kati Kristiansson (PIRHA), Johanna Mäkelä (FINBB), Päivi Sillanaukee (STM), Mika Torhola (Atostek), and Tomi Laitinen (BC Platforms).
Ilmoittaudu tilaisuuteen 16.5. mennessä
Tutustu Leroy Hoodin biografiaan verkossa (englanniksi).
Jennifer Lovejoyn biografia (englanniksi):
Jennifer Lovejoy, PhD, currently serves as Chief Translational Science Officer at Phenome Health, a non-profit organization focused on multiomic research to optimize health and longevity, and holds an Affiliate Faculty position at the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, WA. Dr. Lovejoy earned her doctorate in Physiological Psychology from Emory University and completed postdoctoral training in Endocrinology and Metabolism at Emory University School of Medicine. A behavioral scientist and clinical researcher, she was on the faculty of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center where she held the Manship Endowed Professorship in Diabetes. During her academic career, she was awarded numerous federal grants and was a co-investigator on the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study. She’s also a Past-President of the North American Obesity Society. In 2008, Dr. Lovejoy joined a Seattle-based company that offered telephone-based health coaching to employers and state governments, serving ~500,000 participants per year. Subsequently, Dr. Lovejoy was Chief Translational Science Officer at Arivale, a scientific wellness startup integrating multiomic data with behavioral coaching.
Tampereen yliopisto, Lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta
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