Hyppää pääsisältöön

Rewired and revamped? Media & trans/national feminisms in Europe and beyond

Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö
SijaintiKanslerinrinne 1, 33100 Tampere
Tampereen Yliopisto
Ajankohta11.5.2023 9.00–12.5.2023 17.30
Ilmoittautumisaika päättyy 10.5.2023,23.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Name of symposium, date & location
Kansainvälinen konferenssi "Rewired and revamped? Media & trans/national feminisms in Europe and beyond" järjestetään Tampereen yliopistolla 11-12 toukokuuta 2023. Tapahtumaa järjestää FEMCORUS tutkimusprojekti.

The program comprises three keynote addresses by renowned scholars in feminist and gender studies, 12 panel sessions presenting newest research, and a roundtable on methods. The keynote sessions are open for public. You can also register as audience to the panel sessions. Zoom links for Keynotes 2 and 3 will be provided upon registration. Full program with keynote speaker information and panel session details can be found HERE .

Please, register for keynotes and panel sessions by filling in this online form. 

Venue: Tampere University, Main Building (Kalevantie 4, Tampere)

Time: May 11-12, 2023

Program outline


09.30–10.00 Registration

10.00–10.15 Opening 

10.15–11.15 Keynote 1 by Lucy Delap (University of Cambridge, UK) & Dominique Chadwick (Independent film consultant): Participatory film and gender justice in postcolonial Africa (Main Building, D11. On-site only)

11.30–13.00 Panel Session A

  • 1A Networks of Feeling in Women’s Movement Magazines
  • 2A Popular feminism
  • 3A Gendered violence & #MeToo

14.00–15.30 Panel session B

  • 1B Intersectional feminist resistance
  • 2B Platform Feminism & digital labor
  • 3B Feminist literary interpretations

15.45–16.45 Keynote 2 by Laurie Essig (Middlebury College, USA): Feminism, Fascism, and the Future: Global Anti-Gender Ideology and the Fight of Our Lives, via Zoom (live streaming at Main Building, D11)



09.00–10.30 Panel Session C

  • 1C War, women, and nationhood
  • 2C Discursive constructions of feminism
  • 3C Trans-local feminism

10.45–12.00 Roundtable on methods "Digital entanglements: doing feminist research in the time of crisis"

13.00–14.00 Keynote 3: Catherine Rottenberg (University of Nottingham, UK) in conversation with FEMCORUS, via Zoom (live streaming at Main Building/Lyhty F001)

14.30–16.00 Panel Session D

  • 1D Russian Feminist Performance & Political Protest
  • 2D Feminist responses to anti-gender politics
  • 3D Decolonial Perspectives

17.30 - 17.45 Closing remarks




Alisa Virtanen alisa.virtanen@tuni.fi