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Tampere Institute for Advanced Study Talks: Sustainable Mobility

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiYliopiston katu 55, 33100 Tampere
Ajankohta27.1.2024 12.30–14.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
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Tampereen yliopiston tutkijakollegium aloittaa vuosittaisen tapahtumasarjan. Ensimmäisen tapahtuman aiheena on Sustainable Mobility. Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.

The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study starts an annual series of events: The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study Talks. The event will be held at the end of January as a part of the "Tiedon valoa" day in Tampere-hall. 

Each event will concentrate on a specific topic and the topic for this first event is Sustainable Mobility. The event begins with two speeches which are followed by a discussion.

The speakers are:

  • Prof. Leonidas Ntziachristos (keynote), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Assist. Prof. Panu Karjalainen, Tampere University

The session is chaired by Director Juha Teperi from Tampere Institute for Advanced Study. 


Keynote: Prof. Leonidas Ntziachristos: Can research power policy in the direction of truly sustainable mobility?

In this keynote lecture, Prof. Ntziachristos will delve into a critical question that resonates with the challenges facing our society today: How can research help guide policies towards a genuinely sustainable mobility?

Prof. Ntziachristos will dissect the recurrent failures in our approach to problem-solving, emphasizing the pitfalls of addressing environmental issues in isolation rather than adopting a comprehensive systems approach. Drawing attention to examples such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which, while emitting zero tailpipe emissions, contribute to particle pollution due to their increased weight and larger tires, he highlights the unintended consequences of our choices.

One of the central arguments in the lecture is the disparity between environmental benefits attributed to BEVs and the reality of power production in some countries, such as those heavily reliant on coal. By scrutinizing transition fuels like liquified natural gas (LNG), Prof. Ntziachristos will underscore the need to address not just one aspect of sustainability but to holistically evaluate the broader environmental impact.

The presentation will zoom out to the European Union level, where research endeavors aim to confront these challenges and provide valuable insights for both policy and technology. Prof. Ntziachristos will shed light on the delicate balance researchers face, navigating between proposing innovative solutions, securing funding, measuring impact, and gaining visibility within the scientific community.

A significant aspect of the lecture will explore the often antagonistic relationship between researchers and policymakers. Instead of assigning blame, Prof. Ntziachristos advocates for closer collaboration, encouraging both parties to see the big picture by looking through each other’s viewpoint. The presentation will propose a shift in perspective, urging researchers to occasionally elevate themselves from their specialized niches and adopt a helicopter view that encompasses general policies and interactions between the research and policy-making realms.

In conclusion, Prof. Ntziachristos will present concrete recommendations on how policy development can be guided towards achieving truly sustainable mobility. By fostering collaboration, understanding inter-dependenices, and promoting a systems-thinking approach, the keynote aims to bridge the gap between research and policy, paving the way for a more sustainable and harmonized future in mobility.


Assist. Prof. Panu Karjalainen: Motivation for Sustainable Mobility: An Aerosol Scientist’s Perspective

Following Professor Leonidas Ntziachristos’ keynote, the session will feature a commentary speech by Assistant Professor Panu Karjalainen, a Senior Fellow at the IAS. Dr. Karjalainen’s commentary will provide a nuanced perspective on the motivation behind pursuing sustainable mobility from the lens of aerosol science.

The primary motivation outlined by Dr. Karjalainen will revolve around the adverse air quality and climate impacts associated with current mobility systems. By drawing attention to the detrimental effects of existing transportation methods on air quality and the climate, he will underscore the urgency of transitioning towards sustainable alternatives. Moreover, Dr. Karjalainen will touch upon positive trends in mobility development, acknowledging the steps made in creating more sustainable transportation options. However, he will also address the challenges inherent in predicting the trajectory of development in certain areas, emphasizing the need for continuous monitoring and adaptability in response to emerging trends.

A key focal point of the commentary will be the imperative to follow the impact of sustainability actions. Professor Karjalainen will stress the importance of assessing whether the desired impacts are being achieved in the pursuit of sustainable mobility. This includes not only evaluating the environmental benefits but also considering the broader societal, economic, and health impacts of the implemented measures.


The Tampere Institute for Advanced Study


Director Juha Teperi, juha.teperi@tuni.fi