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Thavamani Govindaraj: Deflection profiles of flexible structures can be controlled effectively

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKorkeakoulunkatu 1, 33722 Tampere
Hervanta campus, Tietotalo building, auditorium TB109
Ajankohta11.8.2023 9.00–13.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Profile photo of Thavamani Govindaraj
Controlling flexible structures is important as they are increasingly used in modern technology because of their advantages such as lightweight. Due to its flexible nature, these structures can be easily affected by external factors leading to structural vibrations and shape deformations. In her doctoral dissertation, MSc Thavamani Govindaraj proposed better control solutions than the existing ones to regulate deflection profiles of selected flexible beam models using advanced mathematics.

Deflection profiles of flexible beam models can be controlled to behave as desired. In her dissertation, MSc Thavamani Govindaraj proposed control designs for selected flexible beam models so that deflection profiles from the model track desired trajectory.

In the study, Govindaraj considered models which have potential applications in wind turbine tower blades, robot arms and satellites. In particular, she studied two models, a model of a flexible beam which is clamped at one end and free at the other end and a model of a satellite which is composed of two identical flexible solar panels and a centre rigid body. Those models are mathematically described by differential equations.

In general, considered models are analysed and control algorithms are derived based on the properties of the models. Govindaraj analysed the selected flexible beam models and proposed control solutions to regulate the deflection profiles of the beams in the models using advanced concepts in mathematics.

The existing control solutions require knowledge of the entire model. In practice, this means that an infinite number of measurements are needed from the model. Moreover, some of the solutions do not exist in the presence of external disturbances and uncertainties in the parameters. In her dissertation, Govindaraj proposed control designs which can tolerate external disturbances and model uncertainties.

 Public defense on 11 August 2023

The doctoral dissertation of MSc Thavamani Govindaraj in the field of Mathematics titled Robust Output Regulation of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Models will be publicly examined at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University at 12 o’clock on Friday 11.08.2023 at Korkeakoulunkatu 1 in the auditorium TB109 of Tietotalo building. The Opponent will be Professor Doctor Birgit Jacob from Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany. The Custos will be Associate Professor Lassi Paunonen from the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences.

The doctoral dissertation is available online.

The public defence can be followed via remote connection.

Photo: Thavamani Govindaraj