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Daria Dayter

apulaisprofessori (Associate Professor), English language and linguistics

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My specialty is discourse analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics. I am particularly interested in the study of digital discourse: English communication on social media, forums and other online environments. I also work on forensic linguistic topics related to power and persuasion in police interviews and online grooming interactions.

I am inviting applications by PhD students who would like to work on the topics related to disourse analysis and digital English. I am also happy to mentor postdoctoral researchers.


Research project 1: Language of seduction. Discursive behaviour of the Pick-Up Artists, with Sofia Rüdiger (University of Bayreuth), OSSO research group  

Research project 2: Evolution of persuasive discourse in the age of attention economy, with Thomas Messerli (University of Basel), copRe research group 


digital English, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, (im)politeness, persuasive language, forensic linguistics, translated and interpreted English


  •     2007 - English philology and conference interpreting at the Russian Academy for the Humanities in St. Petersburg, Russia
  •     2010 - MA, University of Bayreuth, Germany, “Ritual insults in North America: Evolution and contemporary use”
  •     2014 - PhD, University of Bayreuth, Germany, “Self-disclosure online. Pragmatic repertoire of a microblogging community,” supervised by Prof. Susanne Mühleisen 
  •     2021 - Dr. habil., University of Basel, Switzerland, on the language of simultaneous interpreting.

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Full list of publications 

Dayter, Daria. 2014. Discursive self in Microblogging. Speech acts, stories and self-praise. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Dayter, Daria and Sofia Rüdiger. 2022. The Language of Pick-Up Artists. Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry. London: Routledge.