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Tampereen yliopisto
niklas.kandelin [at] tuni.fi (niklas[dot]kandelin[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Oma esittely

Researcher in Icing Research Group, in the Department of Materials Science and Environmental Engineering, at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. 


Research of ice accretion, icing behavior and ice phobicity of materials and surfaces. Developement of icing research methods, and improving the Icing Research Laboratory. 


My reasearch objective is to find solutions for icing problems in different fields, such as aviation, energy production and traffic. 


Material's Science, Surface Technology


Research Assitant in Tampere University 2020-2021

Researcher in Tampere University 2021-present

Merkittävimmät julkaisut

Master's Thesis - Icing Factors Affecting Railway Traffic