Yliopistonlehtori (yhteiskuntatutkimus)
Osaamisalueiden kuvaus
Sosiaalitieteet, sosiaalipsykologia, älypuhelimen käyttö, sosiaaliset robotit, affordanssit, etnometodologia, diskurssianalyysi, eläytymismenetelmä, keskustelunanalyysi, neksusanalyysi
Social sciences, Social Psychology, Smartphone use, Social robotics, Affordances, Ethnomethodology, Discourse Analysis, Method of Emphaty Based Stories, Conversation Analysis, Nexus Analysis
Dr. Sanna Raudaskoski (PhD, Social Psychology) is an expert in ethnomethodology, affordance theory, and the analysis of technologically mediated interactions. She completed her doctoral dissertation on the affordances of mobile phones within the User-Centered Information Technology (UCIT) graduate program at the University of Tampere. Raudaskoski has also researched Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) methods in interactions with aphasic speakers, as well as practices surrounding live-streamed music concerts at remote venues. More recently, she has focused on smartphone use in face-to-face interactions and the dynamics of human-robot interaction. Currently a university teacher at Tampere University, she extensively guides students, and supervises bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral theses, and teaches various courses.
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Tieteellinen toiminta: SoleCris