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Dr Juho Kanniainen is a Professor in Computing Sciences at Tampere University (TAU), Finland. He leads the research group focused on Financial Computing and Data Analytics. With a wealth of international leadership experience, Dr. Kanniainen has served as the director and coordinator of two large EU projects: HPCFinance and BigDataFinance. In his capacity as the head of multi-member international consortia, he has successfully secured a total of 7.5 million euros in EU funding for these pioneering initiatives. Additionally, Dr. Kanniainen has directed the international MSc program in Computing Sciences at TAU.

Juho's research agenda centers on machine learning, statistical computing and mathematical modeling for time-series analysis and graphs, with a emphasis on limit order book markets and information cascades. This interest spans financial market research and other contexts as well. 

His papers have been published in top-tier journals, including IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IF 14.255), Pattern Recognition (IF 8.518), and the Review of Finance (IF 5.059). He has organized several conferences and served as a co-editor for the book entitled High-Performance Computing in Finance: Problems, Methods, and Solutions, Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series. He has supervised and co-supervised 10 PhD students.

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=xsOyQN4AAAAJ&hl=fi&oi=ao 

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